--- title: "Run Armory Quickstart" chapter: false draft: false weight: 14 --- ## Parameters The CloudFormation template provides an opportunity to provide values that will be used to customize the resources required for Armory Enterprise. The important values to enter: - Availability Zones - for the workshop purposes one availability zone is enough - SSH key name - choose SSH Key pair created in the prerequisites or any other you usually use in this region - Allowed external access CIDR - for the workshop purpose you can use to allow all IPv4 addresses to access Bastion host - Number of Availability zones - needs to match the number of zones listed above - EKS Public Access Point - set it to "Enabled" - Instance type - should be a t3.xlarge or greater After entering the desired values, press "Next" ![stack-details](/images/stack-details.png) ## Stack Options For this workshop, accept the default values and press "Next" ## Review - Review the values you entered. - Accept the acknowledgments at the bottom of the page. - Press "Create Stack". Note: It will take about 50 minutes to create all the stacks. Once completed you can navigate to the main stack **`Armory-Enterprise-on-EKS-New-VPC`**. Go to the **Outputs** tab and find the endpoint to the Armory Enterprise UI. This is the link to Armory Enterprise UI you will work with through the workshop. ![Spinnaker UI](/images/spinnaker-ui.png)