--- title: "3. Scaleup " chapter: true draft: false weight: 42 --- To scale an application in Armory, you simply create a pipeline which is what you will do in this exercise. By now, you are an expert in creating pipelines in Armory Enterprise. You will be scaling the apple-app up to six replicas. For "extra Points", ssh into the bastion host created by CloudFormation and use kubectl to confirm 6 Pods are running (kubectl get pods --namespace dev). Don't worry about installing or configuring kubectl. CloudFormation has done this work for you. ## Scale Up 1. Go to the "Pipelines" screen and start creating a new pipeline 1. Give the pipeline the name `Scale up Apple` 2. Add stage and select the type "Scale (Manifest)" 3. Name it `Scale up Apple` 4. Choose Account "spinnaker" 5. Choose Namespace "dev" 6. Choose Kind "deployment" 7. For the Selector field, select "Choose a static target" 8. Choose Name "apple-app" 9. For Replicas set 6 10. Save Pipeline and run the pipeline via manual execute 12. Switch to "Clusters" and find the "deployment apple-app". You can see the ReplicaSet and how it scaled up in the cluster section of the interface. You will now see 6 green bars under the apple-app deployment![Scale up ReplicaSet](/images/armory-scaleup-deployment.png)