+++ title = "Cross Team Collaboration" chapter = true weight = 60 +++ # CloudBees CI - Cross Team Collaboration ## Enable Cross Team Collaboration Notifications 1. Navigate to the top-level of your Team Master and click on **Manage Jenkins** in the left menu.
2. On the **Manage Jenkins** page scroll down and click on the **Configure Notification** link.
3. Check the **Enabled** checkbox, select **Local Only** as the **Notification Router Implementation** and click the **Save** button.
## Adding an event trigger
1. In GitHub, navigate to the **Add event trigger** pull request (#1) in your fork of the **pipeline-template-catalog** repository.
2. To see the changes that will be made to your copy of the **VueJS** template, click on the **Files changed** tab and scroll down to see the differences.
3. We are adding the `eventTrigger` using `jmespathQuery` and adding a new `stage` where we are using the `getImageBuildEventPayload` Pipeline Shared Library step to extract the event payload.
4. Once you have reviewed the changes, click back on the **Conversation** tab and then click the green **Merge pull request** button and then the **Confirm merge** button.
5. Next, to ensure that we are using the updated **VueJS** template, we will **re-import** the Pipeline Template Catalog you just updated. Navigate to the top-level of your Team Master and click on **Pipeline Template Catalogs** in the left menu and then click the **workshopCatalog** link.
6. Finally, in order to enable the trigger on your **microblog-frontend** Pipeline jobs you need to run the job once - so navigate to the **master** branch job for the **microblog-frontend** Mutlibranch project and click the **Build Now** link in the left menu.
7. After the **VueJS** template is loaded the job configuration for your **master** branch job will be updated to reflect the addition of the event trigger.
## Create a Pipeline to publish an event
Now that you have an `eventTrigger` added to your **VueJS** template we need to create a job that will publish an event that will trigger it. Each of you will create a simple Pipeline job that will publish an event to imitate the real world scenario where a new `node` base image would be built and pushed - typically by another team on a different Team Master.
1. On your Team Master and ensure that you are in the folder with the same name as your Team Master - you should see the `core-workshop-setup` Pipeline job.
2. Click on the **New Item** link in the left navigation menu - again, make sure that you are in the **folder** with the same name as your Team Master, and not at the root of your Team Master.
3. Enter an item name - say **publish-event** - then select **Pipeline** as the item type and then click the **OK** button.
4. Copy the following Pipeline and paste it into the **Script** text area and click the **Save** button:
pipeline {
agent none
options {
timeout(time: 30, unit: 'MINUTES')
stages {
stage('Publish Event') {
steps {
publishEvent event: jsonEvent('{"event":"imagePush","name":"node","tag":"14.0.0-alpine3.11"}')
5. Click the **Build Now** link in the left menu.
6. Once the **publish-event** Pipeline job completes successfully you will see your job for the **microblog-frontend** Mutlibranch project triggered.
7. Once the **master** branch job completes successfully you can see in the logs: `Resolved base name $NODE_IMAGE to node:14.0.0-alpine3.11` as specified by the event you published above.
**For instructor led workshops please returns to the [workshop slides](https://cloudbees-ci-aws-workshop.github.io/core-rollout-flow-workshop/core/#44).**
You may proceed to the next lab: [*Hibernating Masters*](../01_labs/6_hibernating_masters.html) or choose another lab on the [Main Lab Page](../01_labs.html).