+++ title = "Hibernating Masters" chapter = true weight = 70 +++ # CloudBees CI - Hibernating Masters The [CloudBees Core Managed Master hibernation](https://docs.cloudbees.com/docs/cloudbees-core/latest/cloud-admin-guide/managing-masters#_hibernation_in_managed_masters) feature takes advantage of running CloudBees CI on Kubernetes by automatically shutting down or hibernating Team/Managed Masters after a specified amount of time of inactivity. ## Configure Hibernation The Master Hibernation is managed at the global Jenkins configuration level and was configured in the `jenkins.yaml` file in the Core CasC lab. ## Un-hibernate a Master 1. Navigate to the classic UI of Operations Center and find your Team Master in the list of masters. 2. If there is a light blue **pause** icon next to your Team Master then it is hibernating. Just click on the link for your Team Master to **un-hibernate** it.
3. Once you click on your Team Master link from the classic UI of Operations Center you will see a screen that shows that it is "getting ready to work".
4. After a couple of minutes, your Team Master will be ready to use and in the same state as it was when it hibernated.
## Hibernation Proxy for Webhooks
The hibernating monitor service provides a post proxy for things like GitHub webhooks.
Navigate to the GitHub Organization you created for this workshop and click on the **Settings** link.
In the **Organization settings** menu click on the **Webhooks** link.
Click on the **Edit** button next to the webhook that was created for your Team Master.
Update the **Payload URL** by inserting `hibernation queue` in front of `github-webhook`.
Scroll down and click on the **Update webhook** button.
Please return to the [Main Lab Page](../01_labs.html).