+++ title = "Prerequisites" chapter = true weight = 1 +++ # Module 1 - Workshop PreRequisites - Internet access to include access to https://github.com and to include the ability to access and use the GitHub File Editor. - Access to https://app.slack.com - An account on https://github.com and a basic understanding of how to use GitHub to do things like fork a repository, edit files in the web UI, and create pull requests. - A basic understanding of Docker: https://docs.docker.com/get-started/ - A basic understanding of Kubernetes: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/ - A basic understanding of Jenkins Pipelines: https://jenkins.io/doc/book/pipeline/getting-started/ - A basic understanding of feature flags: https://rollout.io/blog/ultimate-feature-flag-guide/ - Finally, we highly recommend using the Google Chrome browser to work through the lab content. ### At this point please navigate to the slide material. The slides will serve as supplemental material throughout the labs. Additionally there will be links to easily navigate between the slides and lab materials. ### - [SLIDES](https://cloudbees-ci-aws-workshop.github.io/core-rollout-flow-workshop/core/#1)