+++ title = "Create Route 53 Managed Zone" chapter = false weight = 1 +++ Part of our scenario is to configure Jenkins X with a custom domain. To do this, we must first configure a Route 53 Managed Zone then delegate your subdomain to Route 53. My domain is hosted elsewhere with an NS record delegated to route53. ## Create a Managed Zone for subdomain 1. Create a Managed Zone in Route 53 for your subdomain. 2. Delegate your subdomain to AWS Route 53 from the vendor hosting your domain by creating an **NS** record and pasting the NS Server entries Route 53 provided when you created the Managed Zone. 3. Test DNS it using `dig` or the Route 53 console. {{% notice warning %}} When testing the Hosted Zone can be done from the AWS Console, your goal is to get response with **NOERROR** as shown below. You cannot move forward without DNS working properly. {{% /notice %}} The following image shows the configuration and DNS response. ![''](/images/route53.png)