+++ title = "Install Jenkins X on EKS Cluster Using Jenkins X Boot" chapter = false weight = 2 +++ Assuming you have an EKS cluster provisioned, and you are able to connect to it from your desktop with proper credentials, we can now focus on installing Jenkins X on top of said cluster. {{% notice info %}} **NOTE:** As of the writing of this article, CJXD 8 is the latest binary version. {{% /notice %}} ### Step 1 - Modify the jx-requirements-eks.yml file with basic settings The basic settings we will modify in order to execute an initial jx boot installation will be as follows (please modify your file accordingly) ```yaml cluster: clusterName: drymartini # cluster name from when you created the eks cluster environmentGitOwner: jenkins-oscar #GitHub Org environmentGitPublic: true #Repos are public provider: eks region: us-west-2 ``` The environmentGitOwner is the GitHub Organization name. Because I am using the free tier of GitHub, my repositories must be publicly accessible. Therefore, the environmentGitPublic field is set to true. The rest of the fields are self-explanatory. The domain is specified within the ingress field and child elements as shown. ```yaml ingress: domain: jx.eks.sharepointoscar.com externalDNS: true ignoreLoadBalancer: true namespaceSubDomain: -jx. tls: email: me@sharepointoscar.com enabled: true production: true ``` #### HashiCorp Vault Initial Configuration In order for the jx boot command to run successfully the first time, we need to specify an IAM username in the specific jx-requirements-eks.yml file section as follows: ```yaml vault: aws: autoCreate: true iamUserName: aws_admin@sharepointoscar.com disableURLDiscovery: true ``` {{% notice info %}} **TIP:** For details on IAM permissions, please refer to the [documentation](https://docs.cloudbees.com/docs/cloudbees-jenkins-x-distribution/latest/eks-install-guide/aws-iam-permissions). {{% /notice %}} ### Step 2 - Execute JX Boot CLI Command Having modified the appropriate fields in the jx-requirements-eks.yml, we are ready to execute the jx boot CLI command as follows: ```bash jx boot -r jx-requirements.eks.yml ``` {{% notice warning %}} **TIP:** Note that this command is executed in the same location where the requirements file is located. However, any future executions of jx boot, will require you to execute it from the root of the cluster configuration repository that was cloned during the first run. This effectively means the original jx-requirements-eks.yml file is no longer used in subsequent executions. {{% /notice %}} You will answer a few questions, which include: 1. A comma-separated list of **GitHub usernames** that can be approvers for PRs issued against the configuration repository, otherwise known as the Dev Repository. 2. You will get a warning stating HashiCorp Vault is enabled and TLS is not. Answer **Y** to that question, as we are in fact setting up TLS and a custom domain. 3. Hit enter to accept the creation of long term storage S3 buckets. 4. Type the Jenkins X Admin account username, and password 5. Specify the **pipelineusername**, this is your GitHub bot account name. In addition you will be asked for an email adddress and a token for this account. 6. Configure External Docker? Answer **N** as we use ECR by default. Jenkins X goes through a verification of configuration on the newly created environment, you should see the last output from the install look something similar to the following: ```bash POD STATUS crier-6c4944b868-wccgk Running deck-7f5c64b45d-cdhpv Running deck-7f5c64b45d-xsqgs Running exdns-external-dns-545998d78d-spcvf Running hook-647f968ffb-95n99 Running hook-647f968ffb-b4ppb Running horologium-9fdcd6b57-cbgwq Running jenkins-x-chartmuseum-d87cbb789-qj878 Running jenkins-x-controllerbuild-5b87d6f59c-4nb6v Running jenkins-x-controllerrole-55fbf89ccc-t2b5b Running jenkins-x-heapster-75558b6cfb-8vszj Running jenkins-x-nexus-8b8dfd746-cjzrk Running jx-vault-drymartini-0 Running jx-vault-drymartini-configurer-769ffcd54-5hq8x Running pipeline-7dff794486-qkmvt Running pipelinerunner-7c747569d4-d8n9l Running tekton-pipelines-controller-666488cbd5-gbw29 Running tide-6bcf8f9f7f-klz2n Running vault-operator-75d5446bb7-8f6w9 Running Verifying the git config Verifying username jenkinsx-bot-sposcar at git server github at https://github.com Found 1 organisations in git server https://github.com: jenkins-oscar Validated pipeline user jenkinsx-bot-sposcar on git server https://github.com Git tokens seem to be setup correctly Installation is currently looking: GOOD ``` Now that we have our installation working, we should also be able to see the endpoints created by executing jx get urls ```bash >$ jx get urls NAME URL deck https://deck-jx.jx.eks.sharepointoscar.com hook https://hook-jx.jx.eks.sharepointoscar.com jx-vault-drymartini https://vault-jx.jx.eks.sharepointoscar.com nexus https://nexus-jx.jx.eks.sharepointoscar.com tide https://tide-jx.jx.eks.sharepointoscar.com ```