+++ title = "AWS Account" chapter = false weight = 2 +++ {{% notice warning %}} You are responsible for the cost of the AWS services used while running this workshop in your AWS account. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice warning %}} Your account must have the ability to create new IAM roles and scope other IAM permissions. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice note %}} If you already have an AWS account, and have IAM Administrator access, go to [Provision VPC & Cloud9]({{< ref "#provision-vpc-and-cloud9" >}}) {{% /notice %}} ## Create an account 1. If you don't already have an AWS account with Administrator access: [create one now](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/gettingstarted.html#sign-up-for-aws) 2. Once you have an AWS account, ensure you are following the remaining workshop steps as an **IAM user** with administrator access to the AWS account: [Create a new IAM user to use for the workshop](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?region=us-east-1#/users$new) 3. Enter the user details: ![Create User](/images/getting_started/iam-1-create-user.png) 4. Attach the AdministratorAccess IAM Policy: ![Attach Policy](/images/getting_started/iam-2-attach-policy.png) 5. Click to create the new user: ![Confirm User](/images/getting_started/iam-3-create-user.png) 6. Take note of the login URL and save: ![Login URL](/images/getting_started/iam-4-save-url.png) ## Provision VPC [Click here to deploy using CloudFormation template](https://us-west-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-west-2#/stacks/create/template?stackName=ModernizationWorkshop-EKS&templateURL=https://modernization-workshop-bucket.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/cfn/master-stacks/vpc-only.yaml) - Create stack, click **Next** - Specify stack details, click **Next** - Configure stack options, click **Next** - Review UnicornDevSecOpsWorkshop, scroll to bottom section under **Capabilities** and check both boxes and click **Create stack** {{% notice info %}} The installation takes a few minutes. Please continue to the next section. {{% /notice %}}