+++ title = "Step 1: Sample Application Overview" chapter = false weight = 21 +++ ## Sample Application Overview The application that we will use for this module is made up of a Flask application with a backend that runs a MYSQL database which all runs on a webserver created by NGINX. ![Docker](/images/application-overview.png) The source code for our sample application is located on GitHub. Login to your GitHub account, and fork the repo: https://github.com/anshrma/docker-compose-ecs-sample. and change into the directory with all the code we will be using in this module. ``` $ git clone https://github.com/"your github username"/docker-compose-ecs-sample ``` ``` cd ~/environment/docker-compose-ecs-sample ``` If you were able to follow the directions above your Cloud9 file directory should look like the following: ![Docker](/images/docker-clone.png)