+++ title = "Congratulations" chapter = false weight = 1 +++ ### Well Done 🎉 Congratulations! 🎉 You have completed today's worshop on migrating and modernizing on AWS! ### Recap on what you have learned Today we've learned: + How to use docker compose cli to build , run the application locally and push image to docker hub + How to overlay docker compose files and use docker compose ECS integration to seamlessly deploy the application to Amazon ECS in an opininated manner. + What are the different resources created on ECS with no effort and how it maps to the local developer experience + Modernized the application using native AWS services + Enabled Continuous Integration and Deployment for docker compose using AWS codepipeline ### Final Thoughts We hope you have seen some of the wins your organization can have while using the docker compose cli integration with ECS. Reach out if you have any questions via https://github.com/aws-samples/aws-modernization-with-docker/issues/new. ### Next Steps [TODO]