+++ title = "Setting up Epsagon" chapter = false weight = 2 +++ ## Creating an Epsagon account In order to troubleshoot our recent error with the retail store, let's create and setup an Epsagon account first. To create an account, head to [Epsagon](https://dashboard.epsagon.com/signup?ref=aws-workshop), and sign up. {{% notice note %}} Epsagon provides a completely free trial that fits this workshop needs, and much more! {{% /notice %}} If you need any help with or throughout the setup, you can use the [documentation](https://docs.epsagon.com/docs/getting-started-setup). ![Signup](/images/prerequisites/docs.png) Once you signup, you can fill your personal details. ## Signup and details Go ahead to Epsagon, sign up and fill in your details: {{% notice warning %}} If you've used Epsagon in the past, please make sure to sign up with a NEW account. {{% /notice %}} ![Signup](/images/prerequisites/signup.png) ![Details](/images/prerequisites/details.png) ## Integrating your AWS account The integration is straightforward, select the AWS integration, and click on "Integrate AWS": ![CloudFormation](/images/prerequisites/cf.png) Clicking the button will open a wizard on AWS. Select the box and click create stack: ![CloudFormation](/images/prerequisites/cf_aws.png) After a minute, the stack creation should be completed, you can head back to Epsagon and see the step is completed: ![CloudFormation](/images/prerequisites/cf_complete.png) If you need more details on this step, you can read more in the [documentation](https://docs.epsagon.com/docs/getting-started-aws). ## Monitoring your Lambda functions Epsagon provides an automated tracing library that allows you to gain visibility to every operation and call. You can use the auto-tracing method through Epsagon to quickly enable it for your functions: ![Trace](/images/prerequisites/trace.png) Or if it is already open, select the four functions that starts with `catalog-shop`, and click auto-trace: ![Trace](/images/prerequisites/tracing.png) To complete the wizard, let refresh our retail store page a few more time (it will generate traces, which will help us to complete the wizard): ![Complete](/images/prerequisites/complete.png) Click on view trace button to get into the dashboard.