--- title: "AWS Hosted Workshop Setup" # MODIFY THIS TITLE IF APPLICABLE chapter: true # MAKE SURE YOU SET THIS TO FALSE IF USING SELF-GUIDED SETUP weight: 2 --- # AWS Hosted Workshop Setup ## Module Two Heading This paragraph block should be an introduction to the module about the method of setting up the workshop using EventEngine in AWS. Some typical examples of the steps in this process will explain logging out of any current AWS accounts, how to utilize the hashed URL, utilizing the Team Dashboard to log in to the AWS console, and ensure that the correct region is being selected. {{% notice info %}}
**REMOVE:** With the exception of _index.md, the module folders and filenames should be changed to better reflect their content, i.e. 1_Planning as the folder and 11_HowToBegin as the first submodule. Changing the "weight" value of the header is ultimately what reflects the order the modules are presented.
{{% /notice %}} **REMOVE:** Every introduction page should include the following warning label. {{% notice warning %}} The examples and sample code provided in this workshop are intended to be consumed as instructional content. These will help you understand how various AWS services can be architected to build a solution while demonstrating best practices along the way. These examples are not intended for use in production environments. {{% /notice %}} #### AWS Hosted Setup A brief overview of submodule two explaining setting up the workshop with the AWS EventEngine. ### Next Section Heading This paragraph block can optionally be utilized to lead into the next section of the workshop. #### Example Content Guidance # Event Engine Welcome to the Event Engine Setup section! This means that you are attending an AWS Hosted Workshop! Event Engine is a tool created at AWS that provisions AWS accounts for workshop events like this! These accounts will automatically terminate 24 hours after the workshop begins so participants don’t have to worry about leaving anything on. Each workshop participant will receive their own Event Engine AWS account. Here is a preview of what we will be setting up: Creating a Cloud9 IDE Workspace Creating an IAM Role Attaching an IAM Role Configuring Cloud9 Workspace The next page will show you how to gain access to your Event Engine dashboard!