title: "AWS Modernization Workshop Base Template Home PAge test" # MODIFY THIS TO BE THE TITLE OF YOUR WORKSHOP
chapter: true
weight: 1
# AWS Modernization Workshop Base Template Home page test

## Welcome
**REMOVE:** By utilizing this template, you can create your workshops with little coding knowledge. These workshops use the Hugo Framework and the hugo-theme-learn submodules. By writing content using simple markdown code, Hugo creates the necessary HTML for you. Examples of code, files, and folders here can be modified, copied, pasted, and deleted as necessary. Block sections of instruction that should be removed will be explicitly marked with **REMOVE**. Other sections should be modified to reflect the workshop. For guidance on how to utilize the Hugo framework and markdown, please refer to the module titled "Hugo Framework And Markdown". That module can be removed once building the workshop is complete.
This paragraph block can give the high level overview of the learning goals and use cases of what the workshop is trying to teach.
This paragraph block can be used to introduce the company and how the solution being taught addresses specific issues.
**REMOVE:** Every introduction page should include the following warning label.
{{% notice warning %}}
The examples and sample code provided in this workshop are intended to be consumed as instructional content. These will help you understand how various AWS services can be architected to build a solution while demonstrating best practices along the way. These examples are not intended for use in production environments.
{{% /notice %}}