+++ title = "Creating Prometheus and Grafana" weight = 10 +++ We will use [Prometheus Operator](https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator) for Kubernetes monitoring and Kong Data Plane monitoring. To support HPA from the Observability perspective, we're going to configure [Service Monitor](https://github.com/prometheus-operator/prometheus-operator/blob/master/Documentation/user-guides/getting-started.md) to monitor the variable number of Pod replicas. #### Prometheus Operator First of all, let's install Prometheus Operator with its specific Helm Charts. Note we're requesting Load Balancers to expose Prometheus, Grafana and Alert Manager UIs. ```bash helm repo add prometheus-community https://prometheus-community.github.io/helm-charts helm repo update ``` ```bash kubectl create namespace prometheus ``` ```bash helm install prometheus -n prometheus prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \ --set alertmanager.enabled=false \ --set grafana.service.type=LoadBalancer ``` Use should now see several new Pods and Services after the installations ```bash kubectl get service -n prometheus ``` **Expected Output** ```bash NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None 9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 26m prometheus-grafana LoadBalancer ae1ec0bd5f24349d29915b384b0e357f-301715715.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com 80:31331/TCP 27m prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager LoadBalancer a8bc14bcf3eb34ce4bd6b1607be191f8-225304004.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com 9093:31094/TCP 27m prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator ClusterIP 443/TCP 27m prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus LoadBalancer a49dce814ab2f40f3b34ae942e02bf4b-931182925.eu-central-1.elb.amazonaws.com 9090:30701/TCP 27m prometheus-kube-state-metrics ClusterIP 8080/TCP 27m prometheus-operated ClusterIP None 9090/TCP 26m prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter ClusterIP 9100/TCP 27m ``` ```bash kubectl get pod -n prometheus ``` **Expected Output** ```bash NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE alertmanager-prometheus-kube-prometheus-alertmanager-0 2/2 Running 0 27m prometheus-grafana-7ff95c75bd-vkkzp 2/2 Running 0 27m prometheus-kube-prometheus-operator-59c5dcf5bc-vwbpp 1/1 Running 0 27m prometheus-kube-state-metrics-84dfc44b69-nl5n9 1/1 Running 0 27m prometheus-prometheus-kube-prometheus-prometheus-0 2/2 Running 1 27m prometheus-prometheus-node-exporter-jtzts 1/1 Running 0 27m ``` #### Check Grafana Export the load balancer for Grafana ```bash echo "export GRAFANA_LB=$(kubectl get service prometheus-grafana -n prometheus \-\-output=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}')" >> ~/.bashrc bash ``` ```bash echo $GRAFANA_LB ``` Copy the output and open in your browser Enter username as `admin` and get Grafana admin's password from the following command ```bash kubectl get secret prometheus-grafana -n prometheus -o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | base64 --decode ; echo ``` ![grafana](/images/grafana.png)