+++ title = "AWS CloudWatch" weight = 11 +++ #### Viewing CloudWatch Logs Observe the log groups at [in the console](https://us-east-2.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=us-east-2#logsV2:log-groups). You will notice the following log groups per cluster * /aws/containerinsights/{ClusterName}}/application * /aws/containerinsights/{ClusterName}}/host * /aws/containerinsights/{ClusterName}}/dataplane * /aws/containerinsights/{ClusterName}}/performance #### Querying CloudWatch Logs using logs insights Click on `/aws/containerinsights/{ClusterName}}/application` and **View in Logs Insights**. Run the following query, which details the entire request and response logged using Kong Plugin ```bash filter kubernetes.namespace_name='kong-dp' | parse log '"workspace":"*"' as workspace | filter ispresent(workspace) | display log ``` You can view the entire request and response json logged ![cloudwatch_logs_insights](/images/logs_insights.png) For more details on the log format and each property meaning, explore [plugin documentation](https://docs.konghq.com/hub/kong-inc/file-log/#log-format)