+++ title = "Logs" weight = 12 +++ #### Create an ELK Index ```bash echo "export KIBANA_LB=$(kubectl get service kibana-kibana --output=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname}' -n elk)" >> ~/.bashrc bash ``` ``` echo $KIBANA_LB:5601 ``` Copy the output and open in a browser at port 5601 Click on **Explore on my own** ![kibana_homepage](/images/kibana_homepage.png) On the left menu click on **Management **-> **Stack Management** ![kibana_stackmanagement](/images/kibana_stackmanagement.png) Click on **Data** -> **Index Management**. Since we're already send requests to the Data Plane and we have enabled the TCP-Log plugin, we should see the **kong** index as we set in our Logstash configuration. ![kibana_indexmanagement](/images/kibana_indexmanagement.png) Click on **Kibana** -> **Index Pattern** -> **Create index pattern**. For the **Index pattern name** choose **kong**. Click on **Next Step** ![kibana_indexpattern](/images/kibana_indexpattern.png) On the Step 2 page choose **@timestamp** for **Time Field**. Click on **Create index pattern** ![kibana_indexpattern2](/images/kibana_indexpattern2.png) ## Work with the Kong Data Plane requests On the left menu click on **Analytics** -> **Discover**. You should see the requests coming from the Kong Data Plane. ![kibana_discover](/images/kibana_discover.png)