--- title: "Deploying the Wild Rydes Demo Application" chapter: false weight: 110 --- ## Clone the demo app repo As a first step, we'll deploy the demo app to your AWS account and then see how we can debug different problems with Lumigo. {{% notice info %}} **RECOMMENDATION**: you shouldn't deploy this to your production AWS account. Use your personal account, or a playground account. {{% /notice %}} * First, clone this repo locally: ``` git clone git@github.com:lumigo-io/troubleshooting-serverless-workshop-demo ``` * Go to the project folder `cd troubleshooting-serverless-workshop-demo/` and run `npm ci` to restore all project dependencies. * Open `serverless.yml`, and on line 10, replace `` with your name (without spaces or uppercase letters). * In the project folder, run `npm run deploy-all`. This will deploy both the Serverless backend and the Wild Rydes frontend application. The deployment process will take a couple of minutes, so let's talk about what's going on here. This project is using the [Serverless framework](https://www.serverless.com/open-source/) to package and deploy both the frontend and backend. * At the end of the deployment you should see messages like this: ``` Serverless: This deployment will: Serverless: - Upload all files from 'client/dist' to bucket 'lumigo-workshop-yancui-dev-frontend' Serverless: - Set (and overwrite) bucket 'lumigo-workshop-yancui-dev-frontend' configuration Serverless: - Set (and overwrite) bucket 'lumigo-workshop-yancui-dev-frontend' bucket policy Serverless: - Set (and overwrite) bucket 'lumigo-workshop-yancui-dev-frontend' CORS policy Serverless: Looking for bucket... Serverless: Bucket found... Serverless: Deleting all objects from bucket... Serverless: Configuring bucket... Serverless: Configuring policy for bucket... Serverless: Retaining existing tags... Serverless: Configuring CORS for bucket... Serverless: Uploading client files to bucket... Serverless: Success! Your site should be available at http://lumigo-workshop-yancui-dev-frontend.s3-website-us-east-1.amazonaws.com/ ``` The URL at the end is where the frontend is hosted, go to it. ![](/images/mod01-002.png) That's it, you've successfully deployed the Wild Rydes demo app! ## Register and sign in Unfortunately, there's no "Registration" button anywhere on the page, so you need to add `/register.html` to the end of the URL to open the registration page. ![](/images/mod01-003.png) * Register a new account. * Get the verification code from your registered email. ![](/images/mod01-004.png) After you enter the verification code, you should be taken back to the sign-in page. * Sign in. ![](/images/mod01-005.png) * Wait a moment for the map to load, then click anywhere on the map to put down a marker. This is where you'll hail for a ryde. ![](/images/mod01-006.png) * Click `Request Unicorn`. If the request was successful, then you'll a see unicorn appear and arrive at your marker. Do this several times, and you might see `Unicorn not available` because all the unicorns are busy. ![](/images/mod01-007.png) And from time to time, nothing happens after you click `Request Unicorn` and then you get an error popup like this: ![](/images/mod01-008.png) So, looks like there are a few problems in this app, let's find them!