--- title: "Deploying the Wild Rydes Container Demo" chapter: false weight: 110 --- As a first step, we'll deploy the demo app to your AWS account and then see how we can debug different problems with Lumigo. {{% notice info %}} **RECOMMENDATION**: you shouldn't deploy this to your production AWS account. Use your personal account, or a playground account. {{% /notice %}} ### Deploy the demo app using AWS Management Console - First we will need the [Lumigo Tracer Token](https://docs.lumigo.io/docs/lumigo-tokens). Login into your [Lumigo account](https://platform.lumigo.io/), navigate to **Settings -> Tracing**, and copy the token from *Manual tracing* section. - Login into your AWS Account and use [this CloudFormation link](https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home?region=us-east-1#/stacks/create/review?templateURL=https://lumigoworkshop.s3.amazonaws.com/WildrydesECS.yaml&stackName=WildRydesDemo¶m_LumigoToken=YOUR_LUMIGO_TRACER_TOKEN) to create the stack. Update **LumigoToken** parameter with your value - Navigate to [ECS Cluster created](https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/ecs/v2/clusters/UniECSCluster/services?region=us-east-1), got to **Tasks** and click on the running task - In **Configuration** section click ``open address`` next to Public IP value ### Deploy the demo app using CLI For this method your AWS CLI will need to be authenticated with the required permissions and accesses to deploy the demo application. Update `YOUR_LUMIGO_TRACER_TOKEN` in the line below with your [Lumigo Tracer Token](https://docs.lumigo.io/docs/lumigo-tokens), Then run the following: ``` aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name WildRydesDemo --template-url https://lumigoworkshop.s3.amazonaws.com/WildrydesECS.yaml --parameters ParameterKey=LumigoToken,ParameterValue=YOUR_LUMIGO_TRACER_TOKEN --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM ``` That should then return a message like this: ``` { "StackId": "arn:aws:cloudformation:us-east-1:[AWS User ID]:stack/WildRydesDemo/79e73fb0-e3fe-11ed-b120-0ae4419fb0aaaa9" } ``` You can check the status of the deployment by running the following to check the `StackStatus` ``` aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name WildRydesDemo --query "Stacks[].StackStatus[]" --output text ``` Once finished we then need the public ip address from the ECS task, run this to get the public IP so we can check out app: ``` aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --network-interface-ids $(aws ecs describe-tasks --cluster UniECSCluster --tasks $(aws ecs list-tasks --cluster UniECSCluster --family UniTaskFamily --query "taskArns[]" --output text) --query "tasks[].attachments[].details[?name=='networkInterfaceId'].value[]" --output text) --query "NetworkInterfaces[].Association[].PublicIp[]" --output text ``` Enter the returned IP address into a browser and you should see the screen below ![](/images/mod01-002.png) Congratulations, you have successfully deployed the ECS Wild Rydes app 🎉🎉