+++ title = "Module 2: Containerized application observability" chapter = true weight = 18 +++ ## Overview [Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS)](https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/) gives developers the speed, scale and agility of containers without the burden of orchestration. In these large-scale dynamic environments, developers are also leveraging the benefits of AWS managed services to enrich their applications with trusted, ready-made software. Troubleshooting however, still remains with developers. It’s an especially challenging task in containerized environments with many moving components and where a single user request can trigger dozens of interactions across services. New approaches to troubleshooting, tailor-made for microservices, can help developers save time debugging their Amazon ECS applications. In this workshop, you will learn how easy it can be to debug Amazon ECS applications with Lumigo. ## What we will cover in this module - Microservices and challenges of distributed application and tracing - What is Lumigo and how to use Lumigo to trace transactions for containerized services - How distributed tracing works in Lumigo - What are different types of issues and how to quickly navigate to the root cause