# Minimizing Open Source Dependency Risks on AWS with Mend ## Description WORKSHOP CONTENT IS IN PROGRESS. ## What is a workshop? An AWS workshop is a tool used to educate users and end customers on how to leverage partner solutions on their AWS workload. What better way to learn than to let customers get hands on with building or instrumenting products or services in an actual AWS environment? A workshop format is used because it scales well, meaning you can deliver the content and message whenever and wherever the customer happens to be: whether the customer is at work, home, or at an AWS event, they can get hands on and learn about building products and solutions. ## Building the Website This site is built with Hugo, so you'll need it [installed](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/#step-1-install-hugo) First, clone this repo: ```bash git clone git@github.com:aws-samples/aws-modernization-with-mend.git ``` Ensure you've also cloned the submodules: ```bash git submodule init git submodule update ``` Then serve the website with Hugo: ```bash hugo server ``` ## Types of Events - AWS hosted event - you will be provided with AWS Sandbox account with pre-deployed infrastructure needed - Self-paced workshop - please see workshop steps how to setup your own AWS account, deploy infrastructure needed and clean up the account when completed ## FAQ TBD ## Authors Contributors names and contact info * TBD (@) * TBD (@) * Marina Novikova (@mariswa) ## License This project is licensed. See the LICENSE.md file for details