--- title: "3. Why UFT One?" chapter: true weight: 14 --- # Exceptional Experiences Everywhere Micro Focus UFT One accelerates and simplifies end-to-end functional testing with one intelligent tool that builds and automates tests for web, mobile, API, and enterprise apps using embedded AI-based capabilities. With industry-leading support of 200+ technologies including SAP, Salesforce, Java, Citrix and more, UFT One increases test coverage from the UI to the API—and everything in between—for true omnichannel app testing. UFT One is also a leader in the AI revolution for test automation. Its AI-based capabilities include computer vision, machine learning and advanced optical character recognition (OCR). Combined with AI-based mockup identification, recording, text matching, and image-based automation, DevOps teams benefit from: ![UFT One AI Benefits](/images/010_introduction/ai-benefits.PNG) ### Learn More about UFT One - [Join our UFT One Community ›](https://community.microfocus.com/adtd/uft) - [Learn what’s new in our Online Help Center ›](https://admhelp.microfocus.com/uft/en/latest/UFT_Help/Content/Resources/_TopNav/_TopNav_Home.htm) - [See what real UFT One users have to say ›](https://www.microfocus.com/en-us/resource-center/case-study?product=UFT%20One) - [Explore our marketplace of available educational courses ›](https://marketplace.microfocus.com/education/category/all?product=UFT-One)