--- title: "3. Creating Your UFT One Environment" chapter: false weight: 31 --- ## Starting the AWS EC2 UFT One Instance In this section we will explain how to set up your UFT One environment from the [AWS Marketplace] (https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-q2d32aqrwglr4). **UFT One is a desktop application, and should be accesssed via Remote Desktop (RDP) to the Windows server.** #### Step-by-step Instructions 1. From the [AWS Management Console](https://console.aws.amazon.com), select **Services -> EC2**, or **Search** for **EC2**. ![Step 1](/images/020_self_guided_setup/search-ec2.png) 1. Select **AMIs**. ![Step 2](/images/020_self_guided_setup/Ec2_AMI.png) 1. Change to **Public images**. ![Step 3](/images/020_self_guided_setup/ami_public.png) 1. Add filter **"UFT"** and press Enter. ![Step 3](/images/020_self_guided_setup/uft_ami_details.png) 1. Select the **UFT 15_02 update...**, open **Actions** and select **Launch**. ![Step 3](/images/020_self_guided_setup/ami_launch.png)