# Pulumi Modern Infrastructure as Code This workshop teaches you Modern Infrastructure as Code (IaC) concepts through a series of hands-on labs, using [Pulumi](http://pulumi.com/). Topics covered include IaC fundamentals, in addition to application architectures and how to use IaC to create, update, and manage them. ## Building the Website This site is built with Hugo, so you'll need it [installed](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/#step-1-install-hugo) First, clone this repo: ```bash git clone git@github.com:aws-samples/aws-modernization-with-pulumi.git ``` Ensure you've also cloned the submodules: ```bash git submodule init git submodule update ``` Then serve the website with Hugo: ```bash hugo server ``` ### Learning Objectives - Getting started with Pulumi - Deploy AWS EC2 Compute Infrastructure - Deploy AWS ECS Infrastructure - Deploy AWS EKS Clusters - Deploy applications to AWS EKS Cluster