+++ title = "AWS Account" chapter = false weight = 31 +++ {{% notice note %}} This section is for people running on their own infrastructure. If you are running as part of an AWS Event Engine event, you can skip this page. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice warning %}} If you choose to run this workshop on your account, and not part of a hosted workshop, __you are responsible__ for the cost of the AWS services used while running this workshop in your AWS account. Your account __must__ have the ability to create new IAM roles and scope other IAM permissions. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice note %}} If you already have an AWS account, and have IAM Administrator access, go to the [Provision AWS services]({{< ref "#provision-aws-services" >}}) section. {{% /notice %}} ## Create an account ### Step 1 If you don't already have an AWS account with Administrator access: [create one now](http://docs.aws.amazon.com/connect/latest/adminguide/gettingstarted.html#sign-up-for-aws) ### Step 2 Once you have an AWS account, ensure you are following the remaining workshop steps as an **IAM user** with administrator access to the AWS account: [Create a new IAM user to use for the workshop](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?region=us-east-1#/users$new) ### Step 3 Enter the user details: ![Create User](../images/iam-1-create-user.png) ### Step 4 Attach the AdministratorAccess IAM Policy: ![Attach Policy](../images/iam-2-attach-policy.png) ### Step 5 Click to create the new user: ![Confirm User](../images/iam-3-create-user.png) ### Step 6 Take note of the login URL and save: ![Login URL](../images/iam-4-save-url.png) ## Proceed to Getting Started Once you have completed the step above, you can leave the AWS console open. Continue to follow the instructions of your facilitator, or the next page if you are running standalone.