--- title: "Setting up your AWS keys" chapter: true weight: 34 --- # Setting up your access keys You will need to setup AWS access keys to enable Terraform Cloud to deploy to your AWS instance. {{% notice warning %}} Treat your AWS Keys as valuable secrets. If these keys are revealed online via a screenshare, git check-in, or other means, your AWS account will be at risk. Do not share your keys with anyone. {{% /notice %}} Log onto AWS and navigate to your [IAM user account](https://console.aws.amazon.com/iam/home?#/users) On that screen find your name. You may also search for your name to narrow down the listing. Click on your name. ![aws-add-user-1](/images/aws-iam-user-1.png) Click on the **Security credentials** tab for your user. ![aws-add-user-1](/images/aws-iam-user-2.png) Find the button to **Create access key** and press it. ![aws-add-user-1](/images/aws-iam-user-3.png) The next screen is specific to you and contains your secret **ACCESS_KEY_ID** and **SECRET_ACCESS_KEY**. Copy those values now because this is the only time you will see them onscreen. Alternatively, you can download the *.csv* file with the contents and save them somewhere secure. ![aws-add-user-1](/images/aws-iam-user-4.png) ### Next Section: Create a Workspace In the next section, you will create create an AWS Cloud9 workspace for your operations.