--- title: "Create an IAM Role for your workspace" chapter: true weight: 36 --- # Create an IAM Role for your workspace You will need to assign an IAM Role to your Cloud9 instance for Administrative operations. This section walks you through those steps. ## Select the service Follow [this link](https://us-east-1.console.aws.amazon.com/iamv2/home?region=us-east-1#/roles/create) to create an IAM role with administrator access. 1. Click on AWS Service 1. Select the EC2 use case 1. Click on the Next button ![aws-iam-role-step-1](/images/aws-iam-role-1.png) ## Add permissions Next, add the AdministratorAccess permissions policy. 2. Search for `AdministratorAccess` to filter results 2. Check the box for AdministratorAccess 2. Click on Next ![aws-iam-role-step-2](/images/aws-iam-role-2.png) ## Name, review, and create 3. Name your policy `workshop-cloud9` 3. Click on Create role NOTE: in your environment, you would enter a description and tags per your company guidelines. ![aws-iam-role-step-3](/images/aws-iam-role-3.png) ### Next Section: Attach IAM Role Now that we've created our IAM Role, we can attach it in our next section.