--- title: "Attach IAM Role" chapter: true weight: 37 --- # Attaching an IAM Role In this section we attach the IAM role to grant your EC2 instance permission to create resources. ## Attach the IAM role to your instance Follow [this link](https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/v2/home?region=us-east-1#Instances:search=hs-workshop;sort=desc:launchTime) to find your Cloud9 EC2 instance. 1. Select the instance 1. Select Actions / Security / Modify IAM role Attach IAM role ![aws-assign-role-step-1](/images/aws-assign-role-1.png) ## Modify IAM Role 2. Choose the role that we created in the previous step: workshop-cloud-9 2. Click on Update IAM Role ![aws-assign-role-step-1](/images/aws-assign-role-2.png) This completes the process to assign the new role. ### Next Section: Configure the workshop This paragraph block can optionally be utilized to lead into the next section of the workshop.