--- title: "2. Calico Sign Up" chapter: true weight: 11 --- ## Signing up for Calico via AWS Marketplace 1. Visit [Calico Cloud in AWS Marketplace](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-pq3tgvtlj3wce?sr=0-1&ref_=beagle&applicationId=AWSMPContessa) 2. You'll land here ![Calico Marketplace](/images/calico-mp-sign-up.png) 3. Click the **Continue to Subscribe** button on the top right-hand corner. 4. You may be prompted to sign in to the AWS account you just created, or the one you will be using for this workshop: ![AWS Signup](/images/aws-signin.png) 5. Add a 1 in the **Free Trial Subscription** box: ![Contract Config](/images/calico-mp-signup.png) 6. Click the **Create contract** button in the purchase box. **You will NOT be charged after the free trial** 7. This pop-up box will appear: ![Contract Box](/images/calico-confirmation.png) 8. Click the **Pay now** button. 9. You will then see a Congratulations notification with an option to set up your account as show below ![**Setup your account**](/images/calico-setup.png) 10. Once you click the **Setup your account** button, it will take you to the following page to sign up for a Calico Cloud free trial account as shown below: ![Calico Cloud Sign Up](/images/calico-cloud-registration.png) 11. Fill in your information and then click **Complete Registration**. You should see the following ![Calico Cloud Sign Up Confirmation](/images/calico-registration-2.png) 12. Check your email for your Calico Cloud credentials 13. Go to https://www.calicocloud.io/home and login with your credentials that you should have received via email If you are running this workshop as part of the AWS Marketplace DevOps series, the next step will go over how you can redeem AWS credits to run this in your own AWS account.