+++ title = "Module 1: Configure and secure demo application" chapter = false weight = 8 +++ >**Estimated time:** 40 min ## Learning objectives - Deploy and configure demo application. - Leverage network policies to segment connections within Kubernetes cluster (East-West) and prevent known bad actors from accessing the workloads. - Configure fine-grained egress access (North-South) for specific workloads. - Protect Kubernetes hosts ports using Calico policies. ## Configure demo application {{% notice info %}} We will work with resources located in the `tigera-eks-workshop` repository that we cloned from Github. If you haven't set the context to that directory yet, then navigate to it, i.e. `cd ~/environment/tigera-eks-workshop`. {{% /notice %}} 1. Deploy policy tiers. We are going to deploy some policies into policy tier to take advantage of hierarcical policy management. ```bash kubectl apply -f demo/00-tiers/tiers.yaml ``` This will add tiers `security` and `platform` to the Calico cluster. ![policy board tiers](/images/policy-board-tiers.png) 2. Deploy base policy. In order to explicitly allow workloads to connect to the Kubernetes DNS component, we are going to implement a policy that controls such traffic. ```bash kubectl apply -f demo/01-base/allow-kube-dns.yaml kubectl apply -f demo/01-base/tiers-pass-policy.yaml kubectl apply -f demo/01-base/quarantine-policy.yaml ``` 3. Deploy demo applications. ```bash # deploy dev app stack kubectl apply -f demo/dev/app.manifests.yaml # deploy boutiqueshop app stack kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo/release/v0.3.8/release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml ``` 4. Deploy compliance reports. >The reports will be explored in a later lab. ```bash kubectl apply -f demo/40-compliance-reports/daily-cis-results.yaml kubectl apply -f demo/40-compliance-reports/cluster-reports.yaml ``` 5. Deploy global alerts. >The alerts will be explored in a later lab. ```bash kubectl apply -f demo/50-alerts/globalnetworkset.changed.yaml kubectl apply -f demo/50-alerts/unsanctioned.dns.access.yaml kubectl apply -f demo/50-alerts/unsanctioned.lateral.access.yaml kubectl apply -f demo/50-alerts/boutiqueshop.unsanctioned.access.yaml ``` 6. *[Bonus task]* Configure *frontend* service for L7 log data collection {{% notice warning %}} This module is applicable to Calico Cloud or Calico Enterprise version v3.10+. If your Calico version is lower than v3.10.0, then skip this task. You can verify Calico version, by running command: `kubectl get clusterinformation default -ojsonpath='{.spec.cnxVersion}'` {{% /notice %}} {{% notice info %}} L7 collector is based on the Envoy proxy which gets automatically deployed via `ApplicationLayer` resource configuration. For more details, see [Configure L7 logs](https://docs.tigera.io/visibility/elastic/l7/configure) documentation page. {{% /notice %}} a. Deploy `ApplicationLayer` resource. ```bash kubectl apply -f - <This step is only needed if you're using **boutiqueshop** app version in which the **loadgenerator** component doesn't include **curl** or **wget** utility. Note, that package addition to a running pod will be removed as soon as the pod is restarted. You may need to add it back if **loadgenerator** pod restarts, and you still need to run **curl** commands to test use cases. Install **curl** packages onto **loadgenerator** pod. ```bash kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl iputils-ping && curl --help' ``` 2. Test connectivity between application components and across application stacks. a. Test connectivity between workloads within each namespace. ```bash # test connectivity within dev namespace kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://nginx-svc 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' # test connectivity within default namespace kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI frontend 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` b. Test connectivity across namespaces. ```bash # test connectivity from dev namespace to default namespace kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://frontend.default 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' # test connectivity from default namespace to dev namespace kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://nginx-svc.dev 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` c. Test connectivity from each namespace to the Internet. ```bash # test connectivity from dev namespace to the Internet kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://www.google.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' # test connectivity from default namespace to the Internet kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI www.google.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` All of these tests should succeed if there are no policies in place to govern the traffic for `dev` and `default` namespaces. 3. Apply staged `default-deny` policy. >Staged `default-deny` policy is a good way of catching any traffic that is not explicitly allowed by a policy without explicitly blocking it. ```bash kubectl apply -f demo/10-security-controls/staged.default-deny.yaml ``` You should be able to view the potential affect of the staged `default-deny` policy if you navigate to the `Dashboard` view in the Enterprise Manager UI and look at the `Packets by Policy` histogram. ```bash # make a request across namespaces and view Packets by Policy histogram for i in {1..10}; do kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://frontend.default 2>/dev/null | grep -i http'; sleep 2; done ``` >The staged policy does not affect the traffic directly but allows you to view the policy impact if it were to be enforced. ![packets by policy histogram](/images/packets-by-policy.png) 4. Apply network policies to control East-West traffic. ```bash # deploy dev policies kubectl apply -f demo/dev/policies.yaml # deploy boutiqueshop policies kubectl apply -f demo/boutiqueshop/policies.yaml ``` Now that we have proper policies in place, we can enforce `default-deny` policy moving closer to zero-trust security configuration. You can either enforce the already deployed staged `default-deny` policy using the `Policies Board` view in the Enterirpse Manager UI, or you can apply an enforcing `default-deny` policy manifest. ```bash # apply enforcing default-deny policy manifest kubectl apply -f demo/10-security-controls/default-deny.yaml # you may remove staged default-deny at this point since we have enforced default-deny policy kubectl delete -f demo/10-security-controls/staged.default-deny.yaml ``` 5. Test connectivity with policies in place. a. The only connections between the components within each namespaces should be allowed as configured by the policies. ```bash # test connectivity within dev namespace kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://nginx-svc 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' # test connectivity within default namespace kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI frontend 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` b. The connections across `dev` and `default` namespaces should be **blocked** by the global `default-deny` policy. ```bash # test connectivity from dev namespace to default namespace kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://frontend.default 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' # test connectivity from default namespace to dev namespace kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://nginx-svc.dev 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` c. The connections to the Internet should be **blocked** by the configured policies. ```bash # test connectivity from dev namespace to the Internet kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://www.google.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' # test connectivity from default namespace to the Internet kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI www.google.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` 6. Protect workloads from known bad actors. Calico offers `GlobalThreatfeed` resource to prevent known bad actors from accessing Kubernetes pods. >Calico offers other intrusion detection capabilities such as Honeypods, Anomaly Detection, and more which are outside of the scope of this workshop. Refer to [Calico use cases](https://www.tigera.io/tigera-products/threat-defense/) for more details about Calico IDS capabilities. Deploy the Feodo thread feed. ```bash # deploy feodo tracker threatfeed kubectl apply -f demo/10-security-controls/feodotracker.threatfeed.yaml ``` Test access to one of the IPs in the threat feed. ```bash # try to ping any of the IPs in from the feodo tracker list IP=$(kubectl get globalnetworkset threatfeed.feodo-tracker -ojson | jq .spec.nets[3] | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\/32//') kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c "ping -c1 $IP" ``` Configure a policy to block any attempts to connect to the endpoints from the threat feed. ```bash # deploy network policy that uses the threadfeed kubectl apply -f demo/10-security-controls/feodo-block-policy.yaml # try to ping any of the IPs in from the feodo tracker list IP=$(kubectl get globalnetworkset threatfeed.feodo-tracker -ojson | jq .spec.nets[3] | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\/32//') kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get po -l app=loadgenerator -ojsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') -c main -- sh -c "ping -c1 $IP" # example using alienvault threatfeed in Calico Cloud IP=$(kubectl get globalnetworksets -l feed=otx-ipthreatfeed -ojson | jq .items[0].spec.nets[0] | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' -e 's/\/32//') kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c "curl -S -m2 $IP 2>/dev/null" ``` ## Secure egress access for specific workloads 1. Test connectivity within the cluster and to the external endpoint. a. Test connectivity between `dev/centos` pod and `default/frontend` pod. ```bash # test connectivity from dev namespace to default namespace kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://frontend.default 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` b. Test connectivity from `dev/centos` to the external endpoints. ```bash # test connectivity from dev namespace to the Internet kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -skI https://api.twilio.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://www.google.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` The access should be denied as the policies configured in previous module do not allow it. 2. Implement egress policy to allow egress access from a workload in one namespace, e.g. `dev/centos`, to a service in another namespace, e.g. `default/frontend`. a. Deploy egress policy. ```bash kubectl apply -f demo/20-egress-access-controls/centos-to-frontend.yaml ``` b. Test connectivity between `dev/centos` pod and `default/frontend` service. ```bash kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -sI http://frontend.default 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` The access should be allowed once the egress policy is in place. 3. Implement `DNS policy` to allow the external endpoint access from a specific workload, e.g. `dev/centos`. a. Apply a policy to allow access to `api.twilio.com` endpoint using DNS rule. ```bash # deploy dns policy kubectl apply -f demo/20-egress-access-controls/dns-policy.yaml # test egress access to api.twilio.com kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -skI https://api.twilio.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' # test egress access to www.google.com kubectl -n dev exec -t centos -- sh -c 'curl -m2 -skI https://www.google.com 2>/dev/null | grep -i http' ``` Access to the `api.twilio.com` endpoint should be allowed by the DNS policy but not to any other external endpoints like `www.google.com` unless we modify the policy to include that domain name. Open `Policies Board` in the Manager UI and review `allow-twilio-access` policy to see how DNS policy rule is configured. b. Edit the policy to use a `NetworkSet` instead of inline DNS rule. ```bash # deploy network set kubectl apply -f demo/20-egress-access-controls/netset.external-apis.yaml # deploy DNS policy using the network set kubectl apply -f demo/20-egress-access-controls/dns-policy.netset.yaml ``` Navigate to `Network Sets` view in the Manager UI and review deployed network set `external-apis`. Then navigate to `Policies Board` and view the changes in the `allow-twilio-access` policy. >As a bonus example, you can modify the `external-apis` network set to include `*.google.com` domain name which would allow access to Google subdomains. If you do it, you would allow acess to subdomains like `www.google.com`, `docs.google.com`, etc. ## Secure Kubernetes host ports {{% notice warning %}} This use case requires EKS hosts to have **public IPs** and a security group configured to allow access to port **30080**. A cluster provisioned for an AWS hosted event is unlikely to be configured to allow direct node access over a public IP. In such case, you can review and skip this use case or try it out in your own EKS cluster. Alternatively, you can configure EKS cluster security group to allow access from Cloud9 instance over port 30080, and then proceed with this use case. {{% /notice %}} {{% notice tip %}} Calico network policies not only can secure pod to pod communications but also can be applied to EKS hosts to protect host based services and ports. For more details refer to [Protect Kubernetes nodes](https://docs.tigera.io/security/kubernetes-nodes) documentation. {{% /notice %}} 1. Open a port of NodePort service for public access on EKS node. For the demo purpose we are going to expose the `default/frontend` service via the `NodePort` service type to open it for the public access. ```bash # expose the frontend service via the NodePort service type kubectl expose deployment frontend --type=NodePort --name=frontend-nodeport --overrides='{"apiVersion":"v1","spec":{"ports":[{"nodePort":30080,"port":80,"targetPort":8080}]}}' # open access to the port in AWS security group CLUSTER_NAME='tigera-workshop' # use 'basic-eks' for AWS hosted event AWS_REGION=$(curl -s | jq -r '.region') # pick one EKS node and use it's ID to get securigy group SG_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --region $AWS_REGION --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=$CLUSTER_NAME*" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query 'Reservations[0].Instances[*].NetworkInterfaces[0].Groups[0].GroupId' --output text --output text) # open SSH port in the security group for public access aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --region $AWS_REGION --group-id $SG_ID --protocol tcp --port 30080 --cidr # get public IP of an EKS node EKS_NODE_PUB_IP=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --region $AWS_REGION --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=$CLUSTER_NAME*" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query 'Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicIpAddress' --output text --output text) # print for easy copy/paste echo "EKS_NODE_PUB_IP=$EKS_NODE_PUB_IP" # test connection to SSH port nc -zv $EKS_NODE_PUB_IP 30080 ``` >It can take a moment for the node port to become accessible. If the SSH port was configured correctly, the `nc` command should show you that the port is open. 2. Enable `HostEndpoint` auto-creation for EKS cluster. When working with managed Kubernetes services, such as EKS, we recommend using `HostEndpoint` (HEP) auto-creation feature which allows you to automate the management of `HostEndpoint` resources for managed Kubernetes clusters whenever the cluster is scaled. >Before you enable HEP auto-creation feature, make sure there are no `HostEndpoint` resources manually defined for your cluster: `kubectl get hostendpoints`. ```bash # check whether auto-creation for HEPs is enabled. Default: Disabled kubectl get kubecontrollersconfiguration.p default -ojsonpath='{.status.runningConfig.controllers.node.hostEndpoint.autoCreate}' # enable HEP auto-creation kubectl patch kubecontrollersconfiguration.p default -p '{"spec": {"controllers": {"node": {"hostEndpoint": {"autoCreate": "Enabled"}}}}}' # verify that each node got a HostEndpoint resource created kubectl get hostendpoints ``` 3. Implement a Calico policy to control access to the service of NodePort type. Deploy a policy that only allows access to the node port from the Cloud9 instance. ```bash # from your local shell test connection to the node port, i.e. 30080, using netcat or telnet or other connectivity testing tool EKS_NODE_PUB_IP=XX.XX.XX.XX nc -zv $EKS_NODE_PUB_IP 30080 # get public IP of Cloud9 instance in the Cloud9 shell CLOUD9_IP=$(curl -s # deploy HEP policy sed -e "s/\${CLOUD9_IP}/${CLOUD9_IP}\/32/g" demo/30-secure-hep/frontend-nodeport-access.yaml | kubectl apply -f - # test access from Cloud9 shell nc -zv $EKS_NODE_PUB_IP 30080 ``` Once the policy is implemented, you should not be able to access the node port `30080` from your local shell, but you should be able to access it from the Cloud9 shell. >Note that in order to control access to the NodePort service, you need to enable `preDNAT` and `applyOnForward` policy settings. 4. *[Bonus task]* Implement a Calico policy to control access to the SSH port on EKS hosts. {{% notice warning %}} This task requires access to EKS hosts over SSH port (22). Skip this task if your cluster configuration does not allow access to SSH port on the EKS hosts. {{% /notice %}} When dealing with SSH and platform required ports, Calico provides a failsafe mechanism to manage such ports so that you don't lock yourself out of the node by accident. Once you configure and test host targeting policy, you can selectively disable [failsafe](https://docs.tigera.io/v3.7/security/protect-hosts#failsafe-rules) ports. ```bash # deploy FelixConfiguration to disable fail safe for SSH port kubectl apply -f demo/30-secure-hep/felixconfiguration.yaml # get public IP of Cloud9 instance CLOUD9_IP=$(curl -s # allow SSH access to EKS nodes only from the Cloud9 instance sed -e "s/\${CLOUD9_IP}/${CLOUD9_IP}\/32/g" demo/30-secure-hep/ssh-access.yaml | kubectl apply -f - ```