+++ title = "Cleanup" chapter = true weight = 40 +++ Congrats! You've reached the end of today's workshop. ## Cleanup 1. Delete application stack to clean up any `loadbalancer` services. ```bash kubectl delete -f demo/dev/app.manifests.yaml kubectl delete -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/microservices-demo/master/release/kubernetes-manifests.yaml ``` 2. Delete EKS cluster. ```bash eksctl delete cluster --name tigera-workshop ``` 3. Delete EC2 Key Pair. >If you created EC2 key pair, then use commands below to remove it. Otherwise, skip this step. ```bash export KEYPAIR_NAME='' aws ec2 delete-key-pair --key-name $KEYPAIR_NAME ``` 4. Delete Cloud9 instance. Navigate to `AWS Console` > `Services` > `Cloud9` and remove your workspace environment, e.g. `tigera-workshop`. 5. Delete IAM role created for this workshop. Navigate to `AWS Console` > `Services` > `IAM` and remove your `tigera-workshop-admin` role.