--- title: "Prerequisites" chapter: false weight: 20 pre: "2. " --- ### Prerequisites to start running the labs As part of this scenario, you will need the following items to be able to build this environment: - GitHub Account - [Link to download](https://github.com/signup?ref_cta=Sign+up&ref_loc=header+logged+out&ref_page=%2F&source=header-home) - Trend Micro - Cloud One Account - [Register for a free trial](https://cloudone.trendmicro.com/SignUp.screen#) **Let’s start getting visibility of the open source vulnerabilities in your projects!** --- ### Sample application that will be used: During our workshop we will use the [Java-Goof](https://github.com/snyk/java-goof) application. This Java application is available on Snyk GitHub. The vulnerability and license risks will be surfaced for you in Trend Micro Cloud One – Open Source Security. ![ToDo List](/images/todolist-home.png)