--- title: "Whithout GitHub Account" chapter: false weight: 32 pre: "3.2 " --- ## **Option #2:** If you don't have a GitHub Account #### 1. Open the [Trend Micro Cloud One console](https://cloudone.trendmicro.com). Create a Trend Micro Cloud One account if you didn't create it during the prerequisites section. ![Integration](/images/integration1.png) #### 2. Select the Open Source Security by Snyk tile. ![Integration](/images/integration2.png) #### 3. A disclaimer page will appear. After you have reviewed it, select Head to Snyk. ![Integration](/images/integration3.png) #### 4. Select the GitHub integration. ![Integration](/images/integration4.png) #### 5. Under Select GitHub repository access, select the Public repos only box. At the bottom of the page, select without permissions. ![Integration](/images/integration9.png) #### 6. Under Monitor public GitHub repositories, copy and paste snyk/java-goof into the owner/repo field and click the Add repo button **Info->** snyk/java-goof ![Integration](/images/integration10.png) #### 7. Next click Import 1 repository. ![Integration](/images/integration11.png) #### 8. You will be taken to the Trend Micro Cloud One – Open Source Security Projects screen, which will reveal the java-goof project. This may take couple minutes to load. ![Integration](/images/integration12.png)