--- title: "Prerequisites" chapter: true weight: 10 pre: "2. " --- ### Prerequisites to start running the labs As part of this scenario, you will need the following items to be able to build this environment: - **AWS account** -> [Register here if you don't have one](https://portal.aws.amazon.com/billing/signup#/start) --- ### Register for a FREE TRIAL - Cloud One Account We have two ways to help customers with a free trial: #### 1º Subscribe on AWS Marketplace for a 30-day free trial {{% notice warning %}}
Don't subscribe for a free trial on your Cloud One account if you have an existing Cloud One account with a subscription or private offer in use.
{{% /notice %}} {{% notice tip %}}If you have one existing Cloud One Account with a subscription in use, please create a new account using your current Cloud One login and then subscribe to the free trial for this new Cloud One Account.
{{% /notice %}} - **1.** Log in to your AWS account: [AWS Console](https://console.aws.amazon.com/) - **2.** Go to [AWS Marketplace Subscriptions - Trend Micro - Cloud One](https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/pp/prodview-g232pyu6l55l4?trk=el_a134p000003yrYeAAI&trkCampaign=AWSMP_pdp_dev_x_dg&sc_channel=el&sc_campaign=el_awsmp_mult&sc_outcome=Marketplace), then click "Continue to Subscribe"  - **3.** Click on "Subscribe"  - **4.** You will need to click on "Set Up Your Account" to connect with your existing Cloud One account (without any current subscription) or create a new Cloud One Account  - **5.** Login with your existing Cloud One account or Sign Up for a new account  - **6.** Complete the form and click "Sign Up"  - **7.** You will then see a message confirming your registration  - **8.** Go to the inbox of the email that you used to register for Cloud One and verify your registration. The email will look like the below example - you will then click "Verify Email"  - **9.** You will next need to sign in to complete the verification process  - **10.** Select the Account that you created and then click "Go"  - **11.** To make sure the subscription was enabled correctly, click on "Subscription Management"  - **12.** You will see that the subscription shows as "Subscribed" and the Subscription Type is "AWS Marketplace." Perfect!! You are all set up.  --- #### 2º Register in the Cloud One portal for a 30-day free trialCLICK HERE
to see the steps on how to create your Cloud One Account Modernization_Workshop
, after choose which region you would like to hosted your data from Cloud One, then click Continue.

**6.** Choose the account that you just create and then click Go.

**7.** Now you are log in Trend Micro Cloud One Platform