--- title: "Deploy Jump-box" chapter: false weight: 31 pre: "3.1 " --- ## Deploy a jump-box to access application. In order to attack our applications in this workshop. You will be submitting a sample malware file to test with. This CloudFormation template creates a EC2 to alleviate the need to disable any current anti-virus tooling. {{% notice info %}}

A Key Pair is required before continuing with this CloudFormation deployment. If you need help creating a Key Pair -> Create a key pair

{{% /notice %}}
-> CLICK HERE to see how to create key pair - In AWS navigate to **EC2** - In the left-hand menu, under **Network & Security** select **Key Pairs** - Click **Create Key Pair** - Name: immersion-kp - Private Key Format: **.pem** - Click **Create key pair** - Save the Key Pair to your local machine. It will be needed later. ![C1NS1](/images/create_kp.png) ![C1NS1](/images/create_kp2.png)

--- #### To deploy the jump-box click **Launch Stack** [![Launch Stack](https://cdn.rawgit.com/buildkite/cloudformation-launch-stack-button-svg/master/launch-stack.svg)](https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudformation/home#/stacks/new?stackName=aws-jumpbox&templateURL=https://immersionday-workshops-trendmicro.s3.amazonaws.com/application-security/app-sec-jumpbox.yml)
-> CLICK HERE to see step by step instruction to deploy CFT - Click **Next** ![C1NS1](/images/jumpbox.png) - Leave the default parameters values, click **Next** ![C1NS1](/images/jumpbox2.png) - Optional: configure stack option with tags, otherwise click **Next** ![C1NS1](/images/jumpbox3.png) - Review and click **Create Stack** ![C1NS1](/images/jumpbox4.png) ![C1NS1](/images/jumpbox5.png) - Wait for cloudformation deployment to complete ![C1NS1](/images/wait.png) ![C1NS1](/images/success-deployment.png)

--- ![C1NS1](/images/jumpbox-architecture.png) --- #### Access my EC2 Instance
-> CLICK HERE to see step by step instruction to connect via RDP - Navigate to **AWS EC2** - Select instance Name: **TM-Workshop** - Click **Connect** ![C1NS1](/images/connect.png) - Select the **RDP client** tab - Click **Get password** - Click **Browse** - Select the immersion-kp.pem file saved earlier - Click **Decrypt Password** ![C1NS1](/images/connect2.png) ![C1NS1](/images/connect3.png) - Copy down the **Password** - Select **Download remote desktop file** ![C1NS1](/images/connect4.png) - Run the RDP file to start the connection - Click **Connect** - Paste the decrypted **password** and click **ok** - Click **Yes** ![C1NS1](/images/wizard.png) ![C1NS1](/images/wizard2.png) ![C1NS1](/images/wizard3.png) ![C1NS1](/images/jump-box-session.png)