title: "Vulnerable Lambda"
chapter: false
weight: 50
pre: "5. "
## How Application Security embedded agent can protect Lambda
To understand how it works better, let’s start by deploying the serverless app on your AWS environment :cloud:
#### 1. Open and log into the Trend Micro Cloud One console.
Open the [Trend Micro Cloud One console](https://cloudone.trendmicro.com/) and select the Application Security tile.

#### 2. Create a new security group
- Click **Create New Group**
- **Create Group**

#### NOTE: After creating the group you will be given credentials needed for the Application Security agent.

#### 3. Launch the CloudFormation template provided for the Lambda application that will be deployed.
{{% notice note %}}
The Application Security agent has been automatically added in the CloudFormation template. The steps used to deploy the agent will be covered later in the workshop.
{{% /notice %}}
#### 4. Provide both the Trend Micro Cloud One [region endpoint](https://cloudone.trendmicro.com/docs/application-security/multi-regions/) and security group secret and key.
- **Stack Name:** c1as-lambda-workshop
- **C1RegionEndpoint:** https://agents.us-1.application.cloudone.trendmicro.com/
- **Security Group Key** In Trend Micro Cloud One Console
- **Security Group Secret** In Trend Micro Cloud One Console
:warning: **In our use case we are using Region US-1(US) on Trend Micro Cloud One. If you will be using a different region, please change the URL to your proper region based on the [Trend Micro Cloud One documentation](https://cloudone.trendmicro.com/docs/account-and-user-management/c1-regions/)**

#### 5. When the stack finishes, under the OutPuts tab, obtain the website URL created.

#### 6. In the Jump-Box open FireFox, and navigate to the website URL provided to ensure app is functioning.

{{% notice note %}}
You have successfully deployed the vulnerable serverless application on Lambda. This web app serves as learning tool and alerts you that the app is not secure, as opposed to real-world applications, which are not as illuminating.
{{% /notice %}}
**arn:aws:lambda:<'aws region'>:800880067056:layer:CloudOne-ApplicationSecurity-python:1**
{{% notice note %}}
For Lambda protection, Application Security provides support for both Python and NodeJS. See more [here](https://cloudone.trendmicro.com/docs/application-security/aws-lambda-with-official-runtimes/#arns)
{{% /notice %}}
#### For the Application Security layer to protect your function, some environment variables need to be added to the Lambda configuration.
To deploy the CloudFormation template, these parameters are required for a successful agent connection.
- On the **IfaLambdaFunction** overview page, select the **Configuration tab**
- Select **Environment variables**

{{% notice note %}}
For advanced Lambda configuration please see our documentation [here](https://cloudone.trendmicro.com/docs/application-security/aws-lambda-with-official-runtimes/#additional-configuration-for-lambda-on-aws-official-runtimes)
{{% /notice %}}
#### Navigate back to the website URL and refresh the page a few times to allow the agent to activate for the first time.
- Go to your Application Security Console
- To determine if agent is active, use the indicator light next to the **security group**
#### **Inactive** (White or grey light)
- **White:** Not Connected
- **Grey:** Inactive

#### **Active** (Red, green or yellow light)
- **Red:** Connected with ongoing attack
- **Yellow:** Connected with previous attacks in last hour
- **Green:** Connected with no attacks currently

{{% notice note %}}
The Lambda function will only show as active when it is being used or triggered to process an event. The status light will be remain inactive (grey) until a request is made, triggering the Application Security agent
{{% /notice %}}
#### Congrats 🎉 you have successfully deployed Application Security to your Lambda. :laptop: :cloud: :rocket: