--- title: "AMAZON ECS CLEANUP" chapter: false weight: 71 pre: "7.1 " --- ## Amazon ECS deployment cleanup --- #### 1. Delete container registry - Navigate to **Amazon ECR** - Select your **Repository** - Click **Delete** - Then type delete to confirm the deletion of the Amazon ECR repository ![Integration](/images/delete-repo.png) ![Integration](/images/delete_ecs.png) --- #### 2. Stop the cluster service - Sign into your [AWS Account](https://aws.amazon.com/) - Navigate to **Amazon ECS** - Select your **cluster** - Select **Services** tab - Check the **Service box** and **Delete** ![Integration](/images/ecs_deletion.png) ![Integration](/images/cancel_service.png) ![Integration](/images/service_delete.png) --- #### 3. Stop the running AWS Fargate task. - Select **Tasks** tab - Check the **Task box** and **Stop** ![Integration](/images/cancel_task.png) ![Integration](/images/task_stop.png) --- #### 4. Delete the CloudFormation Template for the AWS Fargate workshop - Navigate to **CloudFormation** - Select the AWS Fargate Stack deployed ![Integration](/images/fargate-stack-delete.png) ![Integration](/images/fargate-confirm.png) --- #### The stack will take a few minutes to delete completely.