## Webhosting and Pipeline Setup **Purpose:** Instructions for hosting the website and creating a pipeline that automatically builds new static html files and uploads them to the appropriate S3 Bucket. ### 1. Edit and deploy the CloudFront site in cloudfront-s3-website.yaml. You should only need to change the parameter for WorkshopHostname. Once that is complete run a command similar to the following but change the stackname > Stack takes about 20 minutes ``` ### DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE THE STACK NAME aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name Trendmicro-Appsec-Workshop --template-body file://cloudfront-s3-website.yaml --enable-termination-protection ``` ### 2. Edit and deploy the pipeline in pipeline.yaml. In this one you will probably want to change the first 5 parameters. ProjectName should match whatever you put for WorkshopHostname in the cloudfront-s3-website.yaml. Set the `CloudFrontDistroId` to the distribution ID generated from the first stack. > Stack completes in about 1-2 minutes ``` ### DO NOT FORGET TO CHANGE THE STACK NAME aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name Trendmicro-Appsec-Website-Pipeline --template-body file://pipeline.yaml --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --enable-termination-protection ``` If you check the Build Pipeline and Build logs you should see files successfully copied to your S3 bucket.