3 ]m@s(ddlmZmZmZGdddeZdS))NamespacedClient query_params _make_pathc @seZdZeddddZedddddZedd d d d d dddddZedddddddddZedddddZdS) NodesClienttimeoutNcCs|jjdtdd|dS)a Reload any settings that have been marked as "reloadable" ``_ :arg node_id: A comma-separated list of node IDs to span the reload/reinit call. Should stay empty because reloading usually involves all cluster nodes. :arg timeout: Explicit operation timeout POST_nodesreload_secure_settings)params) transportperform_requestr)selfnode_idr rC/tmp/pip-build-z81i1n8o/elasticsearch/elasticsearch/client/nodes.pyr s z"NodesClient.reload_secure_settingsZ flat_settingscCs|jjdtd|||dS)a The cluster nodes info API allows to retrieve one or more (or all) of the cluster nodes information. ``_ :arg node_id: A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes :arg metric: A comma-separated list of metrics you wish returned. Leave empty to return all. :arg flat_settings: Return settings in flat format (default: false) :arg timeout: Explicit operation timeout GETr)r )r r r)r rmetricr rrrinfoszNodesClient.infoZcompletion_fieldsZfielddata_fieldsfieldsgroupsZinclude_segment_file_sizesleveltypescCs|jjdtd|d|||dS)a The cluster nodes stats API allows to retrieve one or more (or all) of the cluster nodes statistics. ``_ :arg node_id: A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes :arg metric: Limit the information returned to the specified metrics :arg index_metric: Limit the information returned for `indices` metric to the specific index metrics. Isn't used if `indices` (or `all`) metric isn't specified. :arg completion_fields: A comma-separated list of fields for `fielddata` and `suggest` index metric (supports wildcards) :arg fielddata_fields: A comma-separated list of fields for `fielddata` index metric (supports wildcards) :arg fields: A comma-separated list of fields for `fielddata` and `completion` index metric (supports wildcards) :arg groups: A comma-separated list of search groups for `search` index metric :arg include_segment_file_sizes: Whether to report the aggregated disk usage of each one of the Lucene index files (only applies if segment stats are requested), default False :arg level: Return indices stats aggregated at index, node or shard level, default 'node', valid choices are: 'indices', 'node', 'shards' :arg timeout: Explicit operation timeout :arg types: A comma-separated list of document types for the `indexing` index metric rrstats)r )r r r)r rrZ index_metricr rrrr(s*zNodesClient.statsZdoc_typeZignore_idle_threadsintervalZ snapshotsthreadscCs6|rd|kr|jd|d<|jjdtdd|d|dS)a$ An API allowing to get the current hot threads on each node in the cluster. ``_ :arg node_id: A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes :arg type: The type to sample (default: cpu), valid choices are: 'cpu', 'wait', 'block' :arg ignore_idle_threads: Don't show threads that are in known-idle places, such as waiting on a socket select or pulling from an empty task queue (default: true) :arg interval: The interval for the second sampling of threads :arg snapshots: Number of samples of thread stacktrace (default: 10) :arg threads: Specify the number of threads to provide information for (default: 3) :arg timeout: Explicit operation timeout type_typerZ_clusterZnodesZ hotthreads)r )popr r r)r rr rrr hot_threadsXs zNodesClient.hot_threadsZhumancCs|jjdtd|d||dS)a The cluster nodes usage API allows to retrieve information on the usage of features for each node. ``_ :arg node_id: A comma-separated list of node IDs or names to limit the returned information; use `_local` to return information from the node you're connecting to, leave empty to get information from all nodes :arg metric: Limit the information returned to the specified metrics :arg human: Whether to return time and byte values in human-readable format., default False :arg timeout: Explicit operation timeout rrusage)r )r r r)r rrr rrrrvszNodesClient.usage)NN)NNN)NNNN)NN)NNN) __name__ __module__ __qualname__rr rrrrrrrrrs&   & rN)utilsrrrrrrrrs