__all__ = [ "ImproperlyConfigured", "ElasticsearchException", "SerializationError", "TransportError", "NotFoundError", "ConflictError", "RequestError", "ConnectionError", "SSLError", "ConnectionTimeout", "AuthenticationException", "AuthorizationException", ] class ImproperlyConfigured(Exception): """ Exception raised when the config passed to the client is inconsistent or invalid. """ class ElasticsearchException(Exception): """ Base class for all exceptions raised by this package's operations (doesn't apply to :class:`~elasticsearch.ImproperlyConfigured`). """ class SerializationError(ElasticsearchException): """ Data passed in failed to serialize properly in the ``Serializer`` being used. """ class TransportError(ElasticsearchException): """ Exception raised when ES returns a non-OK (>=400) HTTP status code. Or when an actual connection error happens; in that case the ``status_code`` will be set to ``'N/A'``. """ @property def status_code(self): """ The HTTP status code of the response that precipitated the error or ``'N/A'`` if not applicable. """ return self.args[0] @property def error(self): """ A string error message. """ return self.args[1] @property def info(self): """ Dict of returned error info from ES, where available, underlying exception when not. """ return self.args[2] def __str__(self): cause = "" try: if self.info and "error" in self.info: if isinstance(self.info["error"], dict): root_cause = self.info["error"]["root_cause"][0] cause = ", ".join( filter( None, [ repr(root_cause["reason"]), root_cause.get("resource.id"), root_cause.get("resource.type"), ], ) ) else: cause = repr(self.info["error"]) except LookupError: pass msg = ", ".join(filter(None, [str(self.status_code), repr(self.error), cause])) return "%s(%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, msg) class ConnectionError(TransportError): """ Error raised when there was an exception while talking to ES. Original exception from the underlying :class:`~elasticsearch.Connection` implementation is available as ``.info.`` """ def __str__(self): return "ConnectionError(%s) caused by: %s(%s)" % ( self.error, self.info.__class__.__name__, self.info, ) class SSLError(ConnectionError): """ Error raised when encountering SSL errors. """ class ConnectionTimeout(ConnectionError): """ A network timeout. Doesn't cause a node retry by default. """ def __str__(self): return "ConnectionTimeout caused by - %s(%s)" % ( self.info.__class__.__name__, self.info, ) class NotFoundError(TransportError): """ Exception representing a 404 status code. """ class ConflictError(TransportError): """ Exception representing a 409 status code. """ class RequestError(TransportError): """ Exception representing a 400 status code. """ class AuthenticationException(TransportError): """ Exception representing a 401 status code. """ class AuthorizationException(TransportError): """ Exception representing a 403 status code. """ # more generic mappings from status_code to python exceptions HTTP_EXCEPTIONS = { 400: RequestError, 401: AuthenticationException, 403: AuthorizationException, 404: NotFoundError, 409: ConflictError, }