variable "region" { type = string description = "Target region" default = "us-east-1" } variable "global_resource_deploy_from_region" { type = string description = "Region from which to deploy global resources in our pipeline" default = "us-east-1" } variable "account" { type = string description = "Target AWS account number" } variable "env" { type = string description = "Environment name" default = "dev" } variable "tag_prefix_list" { type = list(string) description = "List of tag prefixes" default = ["dev", "qa", "staging", "prod"] } # Required for provisioning assume_role perms for cross account access variable "target_accounts" { type = list(string) description = "List of target accounts" } variable "number_of_azs" { type = number description = "Number of azs to deploy to" default = 3 } variable "tf_backend_config_prefix" { type = string description = "A name to prefix the S3 bucket for terraform state files and the DynamoDB table for terraform state locks for backend config" } variable "source_repo_bucket_prefix" { type = string description = "A prefix for S3 bucket name to house the src code in the Source stage post tagging" default = "awsome-cb-repo" } variable "codebuild_artifacts_prefix" { type = string description = "A prefix for S3 bucket name to house the AWS CodeBuild artifacts for cache, etc." default = "awsome-cb-artifact" } variable "codepipeline_artifacts_prefix" { type = string description = "A prefix for S3 bucket name to house the AWS CodePipeline artifacts for cache, etc." default = "awsome-cp-artifact" }