import os import boto3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import json import logging from SPARQLWrapper import SPARQLWrapper2 # define site_id_and_rtu_lambda_name from environ variables site_id_and_rtu_lambda_name = os.environ.get("site_id_and_rtu_lambda") # connect to s3 for file upload aws_s3 = boto3.client("s3") # connect to Lambda aws_lambda = boto3.client("lambda") # connect to neptune neptune_cluster_writer_endpoint = os.environ.get("neptune_cluster_writer_endpoint") sparql = SPARQLWrapper2("https://" + neptune_cluster_writer_endpoint + ":8182/sparql") def getAllSites(): # the below query returns all sites from Neptune with which the site is a BRICK:Building query = """ PREFIX BRICK: PREFIX BMS: PREFIX RDF: PREFIX RDFS: SELECT ?siteLabel WHERE { ?site a BRICK:Building . ?site RDFS:label ?siteLabel . } """ sparql.setQuery(query) # results list holds dict for each site results = [] for bind in sparql.query().bindings: result = {} if "siteLabel" in bind: # creating a dict object with key "site" and value is the sightLabel result["site"] = bind["siteLabel"].value results.append(result) return results # def startSitewiseQueryLambda(siteID, function_arn, pipeline_type, eventID): # # create json object # dictionary = { # "site_id" : siteID, # "pipeline_type": pipeline_type, # "event_id": eventID # } # jsonObj = json.dumps(dictionary, indent = 4) # aws_lambda.invoke( # FunctionName = function_arn, # InvocationType = 'Event', # Payload = jsonObj # ) def handler(event, context): print(event) print(os.environ) # event ID - used as a unique ID for this invocation event_id = event["id"] # define pipeline type if "inferrule" in event["resources"][0]: pipeline_type = "inference" elif "retrainrule" in event["resources"][0]: pipeline_type = "retrain" # get all sites stored in Neptune allSites = getAllSites()"response from Neptune querying all sites: {allSites}") # parse response to get a list of sites. This will be used for the mapping state, where a Lambda will run for each site siteList = [i["site"] for i in allSites]"all sites in Neptune: {siteList}") # build response - step functions uses this in the map state response = [] for i in siteList: response.append( {"site_id": i, "pipeline_type": pipeline_type, "event_id": event_id} ) return {"data": response}