using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Amazon; using Amazon.Glacier; using Amazon.Glacier.Model; namespace GlacierSample { // IMPORTANT NOTE // // Glacier vaults CANNOT be deleted unless: // 1. they are empty, // 2. there has been no write activity since the last inventory was taken. // // Glacier prepares an inventory for each vault periodically, every 24 hours. // // This sample will create a new vault and then write and delete an archive. The sample // also illustrates how to delete a vault but the attempt will fail because Glacier has // not had chance to generate an inventory on its default schedule. To permit you to // delete the sample vault sooner, the sample will request Glacier create an inventory (which // is an async operation on the service). When the service completes the job, which can // take a few hours, you can then log into the AWS management console and delete the vault. class Program { private static readonly string VaultName = $"vault-{Guid.NewGuid().ToString("n").Substring(0, 8)}"; // Optional: change this member to specify an explicit AWS account ID, which will be // needed by the SetVaultAccessPolicy call. If left as '-' the account ID will be // recovered from the vault location returned from the CreateVault API call. private static string _accountId = "-"; static void Main(string[] args) { // note: this constructor relies on you having set up a credential profile // named 'default', or have set credentials in environment variables // AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID & AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or have an application settings // file. See // for more details and other using (var glacier = new AmazonGlacierClient(RegionEndpoint.USWest2)) { CreateVault(glacier); SetVaultAccessPolicy(glacier); AddTagsToVault(glacier); ListVaults(glacier); GetVaultAccessPolicy(glacier); var archiveId = UploadArchive(glacier); DeleteArchive(glacier, archiveId); // see important note above RequestVaultInventory(glacier); // see important note above DeleteVault(glacier); } Console.WriteLine("Glacier sample complete. Press any key to exit."); Console.ReadKey(); } static void CreateVault(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { var req = new CreateVaultRequest { VaultName = VaultName }; Task res = glacier.CreateVaultAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully created vault {VaultName}"); // if the user did not update the sample code with their account ID before // running, recover the ID from the vault location path as we need the ID // to construct the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the vault when setting // the access policy if (_accountId.Equals("-")) { _accountId = res.Result.Location.Split('/', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)[0]; } } } static void SetVaultAccessPolicy(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { // note - the actual account ID is required in the arn being constructed // here; it should have been set by modifying the sample code before running // or, if left as '-' by default, by the vault creation logic. var jsonPolicy = @"{ ""Version"":""2012-10-17"", ""Statement"":[ { ""Sid"": ""glacier-perm"", ""Principal"": {""AWS"":""arn:aws:iam::" + _accountId + @":root""}, ""Effect"": ""Allow"", ""Action"": [ ""glacier:*"" ], ""Resource"": [ ""arn:aws:glacier:us-west-2:" + _accountId + @":vaults/" + VaultName + @""" ] } ] }"; var req = new SetVaultAccessPolicyRequest { VaultName = VaultName, Policy = new VaultAccessPolicy { Policy = jsonPolicy } }; Task res = glacier.SetVaultAccessPolicyAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { Console.WriteLine($"Vault access policy set successfully on vault {VaultName}"); } } static void AddTagsToVault(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { var req = new AddTagsToVaultRequest { VaultName = VaultName, Tags = new Dictionary { { "cost-center","1234" }, { "stack","production" } } }; Task res = glacier.AddTagsToVaultAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { Console.WriteLine($"Successfully added tags to vault {VaultName}"); } } static void ListVaults(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { var req = new ListVaultsRequest { Limit = 100 }; Task res = glacier.ListVaultsAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { foreach (var vault in res.Result.VaultList) { Console.WriteLine($"Vault: {vault.VaultName}"); } } } static void GetVaultAccessPolicy(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { var req = new GetVaultAccessPolicyRequest { VaultName = VaultName }; Task res = glacier.GetVaultAccessPolicyAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { Console.WriteLine($"Access policy for vault {VaultName} is '{res.Result.Policy.Policy}'"); } } static string UploadArchive(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("some data to archive")); var treeHash = TreeHashGenerator.CalculateTreeHash(ms); var req = new UploadArchiveRequest { VaultName = VaultName, Body = ms, Checksum = treeHash }; Task res = glacier.UploadArchiveAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { Console.WriteLine($"Upload archive to ArchiveId {res.Result.ArchiveId}"); return res.Result.ArchiveId; } return string.Empty; } static void DeleteArchive(IAmazonGlacier glacier, string archiveId) { var req = new DeleteArchiveRequest { VaultName = VaultName, ArchiveId = archiveId }; Task res = glacier.DeleteArchiveAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { Console.WriteLine($"Deleted ArchiveId: {archiveId}"); } } static void RequestVaultInventory(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { // This sample method forces Glacier to start inventorying the new vault // created by the sample. Glacier's default behavior is to inventory a // vault once every 24 hours. Vaults cannot be deleted unless (1) they // are empty and (2) there has been no write activity since the last // inventory. By requesting an inventory ahead of schedule, it allows // you the user to delete the sample vault created by this code earlier. // Note that it can take Glacier a few hours to finish inventory processing. var req = new InitiateJobRequest { VaultName = VaultName, JobParameters = new JobParameters { Type = "inventory-retrieval" } }; Task res = glacier.InitiateJobAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); if (res.IsCompletedSuccessfully) { Console.WriteLine($"Inventory job for vault {VaultName} has been queued. On completion you may delete the vault assuming no further write activity takes place."); } } static void DeleteVault(IAmazonGlacier glacier) { // PLEASE SEE THE IMPORTANT NOTE AT THE START OF THIS SAMPLE. // // This method shows how to delete a vault using the service api BUT will fail // to delete the vault created in the sample because the inventory job, started // in the RequestVaultInventory method, will not have completed at the time this // method runs. If the RequestVaultInventory method is not run, it can take up to // 24 hours for Glacier to schedule an inventory automatically. // // Check back in the AWS management console after a few hours and once the // inventory job is complete, delete the vault from within the console. var req = new DeleteVaultRequest { VaultName = VaultName }; try { Task res = glacier.DeleteVaultAsync(req); Task.WaitAll(res); Console.WriteLine($"Deleted vault {VaultName}"); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine($"Failed to delete vault {VaultName}. The service returned error: {e.Message}"); } } } }