from datetime import datetime import os import boto3 import math from suricataparser import parse_rule, parse_file s3 = boto3.client('s3') anf = boto3.client('network-firewall') ec2 = boto3.client('ec2') ssm = boto3.client('ssm') timestamp ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") today_date ="%Y%m%d") # Refer: AllowedRuleVariables=["EXTERNAL_NET","HOME_NET","HTTP_PORTS", "HTTP_SERVERS", "DNS_SERVERS"] # Define Static Rule Variables # Must be valid values in proper format for these to work. # Refer: for valid formats # Eg: HTTP_PORTS = [80,443,8080] # DNS_SERVERS = [] # HTTP_SERVERS = [,] # list of webserver ips HTTP_PORTS = os.environ["HTTP_PORTS"] HTTP_SERVERS = os.environ["HTTP_SERVERS"] DNS_SERVERS = os.environ["DNS_SERVERS"] StaticRuleVariables= { "$HTTP_PORTS" : HTTP_PORTS, "$HTTP_SERVERS" : HTTP_SERVERS, "$DNS_SERVERS": DNS_SERVERS, } RuleGroupType = "STATEFUL" ConvertRuleGroupIDStoIPSSSMParam = os.environ["ConvertRuleGroupIDStoIPSSSMParam"] def check_rule_group_exists(RuleGroupName): try: RuleGroup = anf.describe_rule_group( RuleGroupName=RuleGroupName, Type=RuleGroupType ) except Exception as ResourceNotFoundException: return False except Exception as err: # Raise exception for any other errors raise err else: return True def get_rule_group(RuleGroupName): RuleGroup = anf.describe_rule_group( RuleGroupName=RuleGroupName, Type=RuleGroupType ) return RuleGroup def process_ruleset(ruleset): dropped_rules = [] # # The following Suricata features are not supported by Network Firewall: (as of May 2021) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # # IP reputation. The iprep keyword is not allowed. # Lua scripting. # GeoIP. # File extraction. File keywords aren't allowed. # ENIP/CIP keywords. # Datasets. The keywords dataset and datarep aren't allowed. # Rules actions except for pass, drop, and alert. Pass, drop, and alert are supported. for rule in ruleset: # Rules actions except for pass, drop, and alert. Pass, drop, and alert are supported if rule.action not in ["alert", "drop" , "pass"]: rule.enabled = False dropped_rules.append(rule) continue # IP reputation. The iprep keyword is not allowed. -- drop rules with iprep keyword if len(rule.get_option("iprep")) > 0: rule.enabled = False dropped_rules.append(rule) continue # Lua scripting. -- drop rules with luajit keyword if len(rule.get_option("luajit")) > 0 or len(rule.get_option("lua")) > 0 : rule.enabled = False dropped_rules.append(rule) continue # GeoIP - TBD yet to find the keyword # File extraction. File keywords aren't allowed. if len(rule.get_option("filename")) > 0 or len(rule.get_option("fileext")) or len(rule.get_option("filemagic")) or len(rule.get_option("filestore")) or len(rule.get_option("filemd5")) or len(rule.get_option("filesha1")) or len(rule.get_option("filesha256")) or len(rule.get_option("filesize")) : rule.enabled = False dropped_rules.append(rule) continue # ENIP/CIP keywords. -- drop rules with enip_command,cip_service keyword if len(rule.get_option("enip_command")) > 0 or len(rule.get_option("cip_service")) > 0 : rule.enabled = False dropped_rules.append(rule) continue # Datasets. The keywords dataset and datarep aren't allowed.. -- drop rules with enip_command,cip_service keyword if len(rule.get_option("dataset")) > 0 or len(rule.get_option("datarep")) > 0 : rule.enabled = False dropped_rules.append(rule) continue # Rule files with flowbits:isset are failing if the same file does not contain rules flowbits:set statements the flowbits:isset refers to # Dropping rules with flowbits:isset to process more rules until we find a permanent alternative if "flowbits:isset" in str(rule): rule.enabled = False dropped_rules.append(rule) continue valid_rules = [ rule for rule in ruleset if rule.enabled == True ] return valid_rules, dropped_rules def replace_rule_vars_with_values(ruleset,dropped_ruleset): # Drop Rules with undefined RuleVariables. Expand AllowedRuleVariables and define them if specific RuleVariables need to be allowed new_ruleset = [] for rule in ruleset: rule_str = str(rule) rulevars=[word for word in rule_str.split()[:7] if ('$' in word) ] for v in rulevars: v = v.replace('$','').replace('!','') if v not in AllowedRuleVariables: rule_str = "# "+ rule_str # Comment the rule when parsed rule.enabled attribute is set to False. dropped_ruleset.append(rule) else: for key,val in StaticRuleVariables.items(): rule_str = rule_str.replace(key,val) new_ruleset.append(parse_rule(rule_str)) return new_ruleset,dropped_ruleset def save_rulesets(ruleset,bucket,filename,prefix): folder='processed_rules/'+today_date+'/'+prefix+'/' fcontent = "\n".join([ str(rule) for rule in ruleset ]) try: response = s3.put_object( Bucket=bucket, Key=folder+timestamp+'-'+filename+'.txt', Body=fcontent ) except Exception as err: raise err def trigger_ids_to_ips(ruleset,bucket,filename): folder='extracted/ids_to_ips/' fcontent = "\n".join([ str(rule) for rule in ruleset ]) try: response = s3.put_object( Bucket=bucket, Key=folder+filename+'.rules', Body=fcontent ) except Exception as err: raise err def get_rulegroups_to_convert(ssmparam): try: response = ssm.get_parameter( Name=ssmparam, WithDecryption=False ) except Exception as err: raise err return response["Parameter"]["Value"] def split_files(ruleset,count,suricata_rules_filename,bucket): split_ruleset = [ruleset[i:i + count] for i in range(0, len(ruleset), count)] for index in range(len(split_ruleset)): fcontent = "\n".join([ str(rule) for rule in split_ruleset[index] ]) filename = suricata_rules_filename+'-'+str(index+1).zfill(2)+'.rules' folder = "extracted/rules/" try: response = s3.put_object( Bucket=bucket, Key=folder+filename, Body=fcontent ) print("Saving split file to s3://"+bucket+"/"+folder+filename) except Exception as err: raise err def lambda_handler(event, context): bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name'] key = event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'] # bucket = os.environ["SuricataRulesBucket"] # key = "rules/emerging-imap.rules" suricata_rules_filename = key.split('/')[-1].split('.')[0].replace('_','-') s3.download_file(bucket, key, '/tmp/'+suricata_rules_filename) content=parse_file('/tmp/'+suricata_rules_filename) print("Processing Suricata Rules file : s3://"+bucket+"/"+key) print("Initial Suricata Rules count including commented rules (excluding commented headers): ", len(content)) # Drop commented / disabled rules initial_ruleset = [ rule for rule in content if rule.enabled == True ] print("Initial Suricata Rules count (uncommented rule lines): ", len(initial_ruleset)) # When testing with 3000+ rules faced lamdba timeout issues # If file contains more than 1000 active rules split into multiple files to avoid lamdba timeout issues if len(initial_ruleset) > 1000: print("Initial Rule Count > 1000. Spliting files by 1000 rules to process them individually") split_files(initial_ruleset,1000,suricata_rules_filename,bucket) exit() valid_ruleset, dropped_ruleset = process_ruleset(initial_ruleset) valid_ruleset, dropped_ruleset = replace_rule_vars_with_values(valid_ruleset,dropped_ruleset) # Drop Rules with undefined RuleVariables final_ruleset = [ rule for rule in valid_ruleset if rule.enabled == True ] final_rule_count = len(final_ruleset) print("Valid Rule count that can be applied to ANF: ", final_rule_count) print("Dropped Rule count that cannot be applied to ANF: ", len(dropped_ruleset)) save_rulesets(final_ruleset,bucket,suricata_rules_filename,'FINALBEFOREAPPLY') save_rulesets(dropped_ruleset,bucket,suricata_rules_filename,'DROPPED') # Calculate required rule group capacity if final_rule_count == 0 : print("SKIPPING RULE FILE: No Valid Rules found that can be applied to ANF for file :", suricata_rules_filename) save_rulesets(final_ruleset,bucket,suricata_rules_filename,'EMPTY') exit() # if 1 <= final_rule_count <= 80: # RuleGroupCapacity = 100 # if 81 <= final_rule_count <= 400: # RuleGroupCapacity = 500 # if final_rule_count > 401: # RuleGroupCapacity = 1000 # Roundup to nearest hundred with 30% buffer RuleGroupCapacity = int(math.ceil((final_rule_count * 1.3) / 100.0)) * 100 # Create/Update RuleGroup per each ruleset chunk RuleGroupName="suricata-"+suricata_rules_filename RulesString = "\n".join([ str(rule) for rule in final_ruleset ]) # To convert any IDS Rulegroup to IPS Rulegroup # Lambda checks ssm param : ConvertRuleGroupIDStoIPS for list of suricata rulegroups to create/update respective ips rulegroups ids_ips_convert_list = [x.strip() for x in get_rulegroups_to_convert(ConvertRuleGroupIDStoIPSSSMParam).split(",")] if check_rule_group_exists(RuleGroupName): RuleGroup=get_rule_group(RuleGroupName) UpdateToken=RuleGroup["UpdateToken"] print("Attempting Update RuleGroup: "+RuleGroupName+ " with " + str(len(final_ruleset)) + " rules" ) try: response = anf.update_rule_group( RuleGroupName=RuleGroupName, Type=RuleGroupType, Rules=RulesString, UpdateToken=RuleGroup["UpdateToken"] ) print(response) save_rulesets(final_ruleset,bucket,RuleGroupName,'APPLIED') if RuleGroupName in ids_ips_convert_list: trigger_ids_to_ips(final_ruleset,bucket,RuleGroupName) except Exception as err: save_rulesets(final_ruleset,bucket,RuleGroupName,'ERROR') raise err else: print("Attempting Create RuleGroup: "+RuleGroupName+ " with " + str(len(final_ruleset)) + " rules" ) try: response = anf.create_rule_group( RuleGroupName=RuleGroupName, Type=RuleGroupType, Rules=RulesString, Capacity=RuleGroupCapacity ) print(response) save_rulesets(final_ruleset,bucket,RuleGroupName,'APPLIED') if RuleGroupName in ids_ips_convert_list: trigger_ids_to_ips(final_ruleset,bucket,RuleGroupName) except Exception as err: save_rulesets(final_ruleset,bucket,RuleGroupName,'ERROR') raise err # Sample working RuleString Format for manual testing # RulesString1=""" # alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 143 (msg:\"GPL IMAP rename overflow attempt\"; flow:established,to_server; content:\"RENAME\"; nocase; isdataat:100,relative; pcre:\"/\sRENAME\s[^\\n]{100}/smi\"; reference:bugtraq,1110; reference:cve,2000-0284; reference:nessus,10374; classtype:misc-attack; sid:2101903; rev:9; metadata:created_at 2010_09_23, updated_at 2010_09_23;) # alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET 143 (msg:\"GPL IMAP find overflow attempt\"; flow:established,to_server; content:\"FIND\"; nocase; isdataat:100,relative; pcre:\"/\sFIND\s[^\\n]{100}/smi\"; reference:bugtraq,1110; reference:cve,2000-0284; reference:nessus,10374; classtype:misc-attack; sid:2101904; rev:8; metadata:created_at 2010_09_23, updated_at 2010_09_23;) # """