#cloud-config repo_update: true repo_upgrade: all runcmd: - [amazon-linux-extras, enable, epel] - [yum, clean, metadata] - [yum, install, curl, --assumeyes] - [yum, install, epel-release, --assumeyes] - [yum, install, nginx, --assumeyes] - [systemctl, daemon-reload] - [systemctl, enable, nginx] - [mv, /tmp/index.html, /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html] - [mv, /tmp/helloworld.conf, /etc/nginx/conf.d/helloworld.conf] - [chmod, 755, /usr/share/nginx/html/index.html] - [systemctl, start, nginx] write_files: - path: /tmp/index.html owner: root:root permissions: 0o600 content: | AWS Network Firewall - Terraform sample landing page

AWS Network Firewall Centralised Ingress - Landing Page

This page is served by a fleet of EC2 instances deployed in the Protected Subnets of Spoke VPC A. The public ALB uses the Private IPs of an NLB located in the same subnets as IP targets for its attached Target Group.

Server and connection data

hostname: server_hostnames

ip address/port: server_address

connection time: msec


host: host_header

user-agent: user_agent

- path: /tmp/helloworld.conf owner: root:root permissions: 0o600 content: | server { listen 80; root /usr/share/nginx/html; try_files /index.html =404; expires -1; sub_filter_once off; sub_filter 'server_hostname' '$hostname'; sub_filter 'server_address' '$server_addr:$server_port'; sub_filter 'server_url' '$request_uri'; sub_filter 'server_date' '$time_local'; sub_filter 'request_id' '$request_id'; sub_filter 'host_header' '$host'; sub_filter 'user_agent' '$http_user_agent'; }