/* Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT-0 */ # output "tgw_route_table" { # description = "Map of route tables used for association and propagation" # value = module.tgw.tgw_route_table # } # output "firewall_info" { # value = module.network_firewall_vpc.firewall_info # description = "Info of network firewall for routing" # } # output "route_table" { # value = module.network_firewall_vpc.route_table # description = "Output route tables used for NFW" # } # output "eni_map" { # value = module.network_firewall_vpc.eni_map # description = "Output ENI map" # } # output "rt_map" { # value = module.network_firewall_vpc.rt_map # description = "Output RT map" # } # output "ep_map" { # value = local.endpoints # description = "Output EP map" # }