using System.Collections.Generic; using Amazon.CDK; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CertificateManager; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CodeDeploy; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.DynamoDB; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.ElasticLoadBalancingV2; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.IAM; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Route53; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Route53.Targets; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3; using Amazon.CDK.AWS.SSM; namespace ModernTacoShop.TrackOrder.Cdk { public class TrackOrderStack : Stack { internal TrackOrderStack(Construct scope, string id, IStackProps props = null) : base(scope, id, props) { // Look up the VPC from another stack. var vpc = Vpc.FromLookup(this, "ModernTacoShop-VPC", new VpcLookupOptions { VpcName = "ModernTacoShop-CommonStack/vpc" }); // Get the certificate from Certificate Manager. var certificateArnParameter = StringParameter.FromStringParameterAttributes(this, "ModernTacoShop-CertificateARNParameter", new StringParameterAttributes { ParameterName = "/ModernTacoShop/CertificateARN" }); var certificate = Certificate.FromCertificateArn(this, "ModernTacoShop-Certificate", certificateArnParameter.StringValue); // Get the name of the code bucket from the parameter store. var codeBucketNameParameter = StringParameter.FromStringParameterAttributes(this, "ModernTacoShop-CodeBucketNameParameter", new StringParameterAttributes { ParameterName = "/ModernTacoShop/CodeBucketName" }); var codeBucket = Bucket.FromBucketName(this, "CodeBucket", codeBucketNameParameter.StringValue); // Create a role for the microservice. var trackOrderMicroserviceRole = new Role(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-MicroserviceRole", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal("") }); // Grant the microservice role access to read from the code bucket. // Instances need this access to download the microservice code. codeBucket.GrantRead(trackOrderMicroserviceRole); // Grant the microservice role full access to CloudWatch logs. trackOrderMicroserviceRole.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("CloudWatchLogsFullAccess")); // Grant the microservice role access to read Systems Manager parameters that are microservice domain names. var readParameterPolicyArnParameter = StringParameter.FromStringParameterAttributes(this, "ModernTacoShop-ReadParameterPolicyARNParameter", new StringParameterAttributes { ParameterName = "/ModernTacoShop/ReadMicroserviceDomainNameParametersPolicyARN" }); var readParameterPolicy = ManagedPolicy.FromManagedPolicyArn(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-ReadParameterPolicy", readParameterPolicyArnParameter.StringValue); trackOrderMicroserviceRole.AddManagedPolicy(readParameterPolicy); // Create an instance profile for the role so it can be assigned to EC2 instances. var trackOrderMicroserviceInstanceProfile = new CfnInstanceProfile(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-MicroserviceRole-InstanceProfile", new CfnInstanceProfileProps { Roles = new string[] { trackOrderMicroserviceRole.RoleName } }); // Create a DynamoDB table for tracked orders. var table = new Table(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-Table", new TableProps { PartitionKey = new Attribute { Name = "Id", Type = AttributeType.NUMBER }, BillingMode = BillingMode.PAY_PER_REQUEST, Encryption = TableEncryption.AWS_MANAGED, PointInTimeRecovery = true, RemovalPolicy = RemovalPolicy.DESTROY }); table.GrantReadWriteData(trackOrderMicroserviceRole); table.Grant(trackOrderMicroserviceRole, "dynamodb:DescribeTable"); // The name of the DynamoDB table is (partially) generated by the script, so store the final table name in Parameter Store. var tableNameParameter = new StringParameter(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-TableNameParameter", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = "/ModernTacoShop/TrackOrder/OrderTableName", StringValue = table.TableName, Tier = ParameterTier.STANDARD }); // Allow the microservice role (assumed by the instances) to read the parameter value. tableNameParameter.GrantRead(trackOrderMicroserviceRole); // Create an ASG to run the service. var microserviceSecurityGroup = new SecurityGroup(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-MicroserviceSecurityGroup", new SecurityGroupProps { Vpc = vpc, AllowAllOutbound = false }); // Allow outgoing HTTP/S traffic, so the instance can download updates and communicate with AWS regional services // (including CodeDeploy and S3). microserviceSecurityGroup.AddEgressRule(Peer.AnyIpv4(), Port.Tcp(80)); microserviceSecurityGroup.AddEgressRule(Peer.AnyIpv4(), Port.Tcp(443)); // Security: Suppress the cfn_nag warning for the microservice SG allowing outbound HTTP/S. ((CfnSecurityGroup)microserviceSecurityGroup.Node.DefaultChild).AddMetadata("cfn_nag", new Dictionary { ["rules_to_suppress"] = new Dictionary[] { new Dictionary { ["id"] = "W5", ["reason"] = "This instance needs outbound Internet access to download updates and communicate with AWS regional services." } } }); // Use Ubuntu as it is officially supported for .NET 5. var ubuntuImage = new LookupMachineImage(new LookupMachineImageProps { Name = "ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-focal-20.04-arm64-server-20201026" }); var autoScalingGroup = new AutoScalingGroup(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-ASG", new AutoScalingGroupProps { Vpc = vpc, InstanceType = InstanceType.Of(InstanceClass.BURSTABLE4_GRAVITON, InstanceSize.MICRO), MachineImage = ubuntuImage, SecurityGroup = microserviceSecurityGroup, MinCapacity = 1, MaxCapacity = 1, UserData = UserData.ForLinux(), Role = trackOrderMicroserviceRole, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection { Subnets = vpc.PrivateSubnets }, UpdatePolicy = UpdatePolicy.RollingUpdate(new RollingUpdateOptions { MinInstancesInService = 0 }), HealthCheck = Amazon.CDK.AWS.AutoScaling.HealthCheck.Elb(new ElbHealthCheckOptions { Grace = Duration.Minutes(5) }), }); // Create a security group for the load balancer. // Set `allowAllOutbound` to false, because this SG should only allow traffic to the microservice SG (which contains the ASG instances). // Egress rules will be generated automatically from the configuration below. var microserviceLoadBalancerSecurityGroup = new SecurityGroup(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-MicroserviceLoadBalancerSecurityGroup", new SecurityGroupProps { Vpc = vpc, AllowAllOutbound = false }); // Security: Suppress the cfn_nag warning for the ALB SG being open to the world. // This is a public-facing ELB and Internet ingress should be permitted. ((CfnSecurityGroup)microserviceLoadBalancerSecurityGroup.Node.DefaultChild).AddMetadata("cfn_nag", new Dictionary { ["rules_to_suppress"] = new Dictionary[] { new Dictionary { ["id"] = "W2", ["reason"] = "This is a public facing ELB and ingress from the Internet should be permitted." }, new Dictionary { ["id"] = "W9", ["reason"] = "This is a public facing ELB and ingress from the Internet should be permitted." } } }); var microserviceLoadBalancer = new ApplicationLoadBalancer(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-ALB", new ApplicationLoadBalancerProps { Vpc = vpc, Http2Enabled = true, InternetFacing = true, SecurityGroup = microserviceLoadBalancerSecurityGroup, VpcSubnets = new SubnetSelection { Subnets = vpc.PublicSubnets } }); var loadBalancerAccessLogPrefix = "access-logs/modern-taco-shop/track-order-alb"; microserviceLoadBalancer.LogAccessLogs(codeBucket, loadBalancerAccessLogPrefix); // Create a load balancer listener using HTTPS. // HTTPS will terminate at the load balancer, so install the certificate onto the ALB. var microserviceListener = microserviceLoadBalancer.AddListener( "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-ALB-Microservice-Listener", new BaseApplicationListenerProps { Port = 443, Protocol = ApplicationProtocol.HTTPS, SslPolicy = SslPolicy.TLS12 }); microserviceListener.AddCertificates( "ModernTacoShop-Certificate", new ListenerCertificate[] { ListenerCertificate.FromCertificateManager(certificate) }); // Create a target group pointing to the ASG. This will be over HTTP, as SSL is terminated at the load balancer. var microserviceTargetGroup = new ApplicationTargetGroup(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-ASG-Targets", new ApplicationTargetGroupProps { Protocol = ApplicationProtocol.HTTP, ProtocolVersion = ApplicationProtocolVersion.GRPC, Vpc = vpc, TargetType = TargetType.INSTANCE, Port = 5000, Targets = new IApplicationLoadBalancerTarget[] { autoScalingGroup }, DeregistrationDelay = Duration.Seconds(30) }); // Enable a health check on the gRPC service. microserviceTargetGroup.ConfigureHealthCheck(new Amazon.CDK.AWS.ElasticLoadBalancingV2.HealthCheck() { Enabled = true, Timeout = Duration.Seconds(5), HealthyThresholdCount = 2, UnhealthyThresholdCount = 2, Interval = Duration.Seconds(10), Path = "/modern_taco_shop.TrackOrder/HealthCheck", HealthyGrpcCodes = "0" // Code `0` in gRPC is success. }); microserviceListener.AddTargetGroups( "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-ALB-Microservice-Listener-Targets", new AddApplicationTargetGroupsProps { TargetGroups = new ApplicationTargetGroup[] { microserviceTargetGroup } }); // Create a sub-domain for this microservice, then target that subdomain to the load balancer. // First, get the 'parent' hosted zone from parameters that were stored in Parameter Store by the `common` stack. var hostedZoneIdParameter = StringParameter.FromStringParameterAttributes(this, "ModernTacoShop-ParentHostedZoneID", new StringParameterAttributes { ParameterName = "/ModernTacoShop/HostedZoneID" }); var hostedZoneNameParameter = StringParameter.FromStringParameterAttributes(this, "ModernTacoShop-ParentHostedZoneName", new StringParameterAttributes { ParameterName = "/ModernTacoShop/HostedZoneName" }); var hostedZone = HostedZone.FromHostedZoneAttributes(this, "ModernTacoShop-ParentHostedZone", new HostedZoneAttributes { HostedZoneId = hostedZoneIdParameter.StringValue, ZoneName = hostedZoneNameParameter.StringValue }); // Create a sub-domain record for this microservice. // Target the load balancer. var record = new ARecord(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-ARecord", new ARecordProps { Zone = hostedZone, Target = RecordTarget.FromAlias(new LoadBalancerTarget(microserviceLoadBalancer)), RecordName = "track-order" }); // Store the service domain name in Systems Manager Parameter Store. var recordDomainNameParameter = new StringParameter(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-DomainNameParameter", new StringParameterProps { ParameterName = "/ModernTacoShop/TrackOrder/DomainName", StringValue = record.DomainName, Tier = ParameterTier.STANDARD }); // Tag the service domain name parameter so it can be accessed by other microservices. Amazon.CDK.Tags.Of(recordDomainNameParameter).Add("parameter-type", "modern-taco-shop-microservice-domain-name"); // CodeDeploy configuration var codeDeployServiceRole = new Role(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-CodeDeploy-ServiceRole", new RoleProps { AssumedBy = new ServicePrincipal("") }); codeDeployServiceRole.AddManagedPolicy(ManagedPolicy.FromAwsManagedPolicyName("service-role/AWSCodeDeployRole")); var application = new ServerApplication(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-CodeDeploy-Application", new ServerApplicationProps { ApplicationName = "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder" }); var deploymentGroup = new ServerDeploymentGroup(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-CodeDeploy-DeploymentGroup", new ServerDeploymentGroupProps { Application = application, LoadBalancer = LoadBalancer.Application(microserviceTargetGroup), AutoScalingGroups = new AutoScalingGroup[] { autoScalingGroup }, InstallAgent = true, DeploymentConfig = ServerDeploymentConfig.ALL_AT_ONCE, Role = codeDeployServiceRole }); new CfnOutput(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-LoadBalancerName", new CfnOutputProps { Value = microserviceLoadBalancer.LoadBalancerName }); new CfnOutput(this, "ModernTacoShop-TrackOrder-DeploymentGroupNameOutput", new CfnOutputProps { Value = deploymentGroup.DeploymentGroupName }); } } }