from urllib.parse import urlparse import boto3 import copy def lambda_handler(event, context): # Get our event data sfData = copy.deepcopy(event) transcribeJob = sfData["jobName"] # Load in the Amazon Transcribe job header information, ensuring that the job has completed transcribe = boto3.client("transcribe") try: transcribeJobInfo = transcribe.get_transcription_job(TranscriptionJobName=transcribeJob)["TranscriptionJob"] assert transcribeJobInfo[ "TranscriptionJobStatus"] == "COMPLETED", f"Transcription job '{transcribeJob}' has not yet completed." except transcribe.exceptions.BadRequestException: assert False, f"Unable to load information for Transcribe job named '{transcribeJob}'." # Find our job information and delete it try: # Start by deleting the clip audio file from S3 s3Path = transcribeJobInfo["Media"]["MediaFileUri"] parsedPath = urlparse(s3Path) s3Bucket = parsedPath.netloc s3Key = parsedPath.path.lstrip('/') s3Client = boto3.client('s3') s3Client.delete_object(Bucket=s3Bucket, Key=s3Key) # Now delete the clip processing job transcribe.delete_transcription_job(TranscriptionJobName=transcribeJob) sfData.pop("jobName", None) sfData.pop("transcribeStatus", None) except: # File already gone somehow - nothing for us to do pass # Pick the language code and return our data sfData["langCode"] = transcribeJobInfo["LanguageCode"] return sfData # Main entrypoint for testing if __name__ == "__main__": event = { "bucket": "pca-raw-audio-1234", "key": "nci/0a.93.a0.3e.00.00 09-10-2019.wav", "contentType": "wav", "langCode": "", "jobName": "0a.93.a0.3e.00.00-", "transcribeStatus": "COMPLETED" } lambda_handler(event, "")