import copy import boto3 import pcaconfiguration as cf import subprocess import pcacommon # Local temporary folder for file-based operations TMP_DIR = "/tmp/" def createFileClip(bucket, key): """ Downloads the audio file and makes a 30-second mp3 clip of it, which is uploaded back to S3. If anything goes wrong - lack of ffmpeg or IAM rights - then just give up """ # First, we need to download the original audio file baseClipFilename = pcacommon.generateClipFileName(key) ffmpegInputFilename = TMP_DIR + key.split('/')[-1] ffmpegOutputFilename = TMP_DIR + baseClipFilename s3Client = boto3.client('s3') s3Client.download_file(bucket, key, ffmpegInputFilename) # Transform the file via FFMPEG - this will exception if not installed try:['ffmpeg', '-nostats', '-loglevel', '0', '-y', '-i', ffmpegInputFilename, '-ss', '0', '-t', '30', '-acodec', 'copy', ffmpegOutputFilename], stdin=subprocess.DEVNULL) except: raise Exception("Unable to create audio clip for language detection via FFMPEG") # Upload file to the S3 bucket and return the key uploadKey = pcacommon.generateClipFileKey(baseClipFilename) s3Client.upload_file(ffmpegOutputFilename, bucket, uploadKey) return uploadKey def lambda_handler(event, context): # Load our configuration data cf.loadConfiguration() sfData = copy.deepcopy(event) # Extract our parameters bucket = sfData["bucket"] key = sfData["key"] contentType = sfData["contentType"] langCode = sfData["langCode"] try: clipFileKey = createFileClip(bucket, key) jobName = pcacommon.submitTranscribeJob(bucket, clipFileKey, langCode, contentType) sfData["jobName"] = jobName except Exception as e: print(e) # If we cannot sort out the clip then we can only continue with the first language sfData["langCode"] = cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_TRANSCRIBE_LANG][0] return sfData # Main entrypoint for testing if __name__ == "__main__": event = { "bucket": "pca-raw-audio-1234", "key": "nci/26394190000000000 08-14-2020.wav", "contentType": "wav", "langCode": "" } lambda_handler(event, "")