import copy import boto3 import subprocess import pcaconfiguration as cf import os # Local temporary folder for file-based operations TMP_DIR = "/tmp/" ROLE_ARN = os.environ["RoleArn"] def checkExistingJobStatus(jobName, transcribe): try: # If it exists (e.g. doesn't exception) then we may want to delete iz currentJobStatus = transcribe.get_transcription_job(TranscriptionJobName=jobName)["TranscriptionJob"]["TranscriptionJobStatus"] except Exception as e: # Job didn't already exist - carry on currentJobStatus = "" return currentJobStatus def calculateAutoSpeakerSeparation(bucket, key): """ Uses ffprobe to determine the number of channels used in the audio file. This is used when the speaker separation mode has been defined as "AUTO" - if the file in mono then we return SPEAKER_MODE_SPEAKER, and if stereo we return SPEAKER_MODE_CHANNEL. If there's any error then we go with SPEAKER_MODE_SPEAKER, but the file is likely to fail transcription anyway due to corruption if this basic channels check fails """ speakerMode = cf.SPEAKER_MODE_CHANNEL # First, we need to download the original audio file ffmpegInputFilename = TMP_DIR + key.split('/')[-1] s3Client = boto3.client('s3') s3Client.download_file(bucket, key, ffmpegInputFilename) # Use ffprobe to count the number of channels in the audio file try: command = ['ffprobe', '-i', ffmpegInputFilename, '-show_entries', 'stream=channels', '-select_streams', 'a:0', '-of', 'compact=p=0:nk=1', '-v', '0'] probResult = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT).decode() channels = int(probResult) if channels == 1: # Single channel: mono file => speaker-separation mode speakerMode = cf.SPEAKER_MODE_SPEAKER elif channels == 2: # Dual channel: stereo file => channel-separation mode speakerMode = cf.SPEAKER_MODE_CHANNEL else: # There shouldn't be channels <1 or >2, so default to SPEAKER if so speakerMode = cf.SPEAKER_MODE_SPEAKER except Exception as e: print('Failed to get number of audio streams from input file: ' + e) speakerMode = cf.SPEAKER_MODE_SPEAKER return speakerMode def submitTranscribeJob(bucket, key, langCode, mediaFormat): # Get our clients first transcribe = boto3.client('transcribe') lambdaClient = boto3.client('lambda') # Evaluate what our speaker separation method will be channelMode = cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_SPEAKER_SEPARATION] if channelMode == cf.SPEAKER_MODE_SPEAKER: channelIdent = False elif channelMode == cf.SPEAKER_MODE_CHANNEL: channelIdent = True elif channelMode == cf.SPEAKER_MODE_AUTO: channelIdent = (calculateAutoSpeakerSeparation(bucket, key) == cf.SPEAKER_MODE_CHANNEL) # Generate job-name - delete if it already exists jobName = cf.generateJobName(key) currentJobStatus = checkExistingJobStatus(jobName, transcribe) uri = 's3://' + bucket + '/' + key # If there's a job already running then the input file may have been copied - quit if (currentJobStatus == "IN_PROGRESS") or (currentJobStatus == "QUEUED"): # Return empty job name print("A Transcription job named \'{}\' is already in progress - cannot continue.".format(jobName)) return "" elif currentJobStatus != "": # But if an old one exists we can delete it transcribe.delete_transcription_job(TranscriptionJobName=jobName) # Sort out our settings blocks, but we need to verify custom vocab first mediaSettings = { 'MediaFileUri': uri } jobSettings = { 'ShowSpeakerLabels': not channelIdent, 'ChannelIdentification': channelIdent, 'ShowAlternatives': True, 'MaxAlternatives': 2 } # Some settings are valid dependent on the mode if not channelIdent: jobSettings["MaxSpeakerLabels"] = int(cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_MAX_SPEAKERS]) # Double check that if we have a custom vocab that it actually exists if cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_VOCABNAME] != "": try: vocabName = cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_VOCABNAME] + '-' + langCode.lower() ourVocab = transcribe.get_vocabulary(VocabularyName = vocabName) if ourVocab["VocabularyState"] == "READY": # Only use it if it is ready for use jobSettings["VocabularyName"] = vocabName except: # Doesn't exist - don't use it pass # Job execution settings - note, Role is the same as for this Lambda, which is Full S3 access executionSettings = { "AllowDeferredExecution": True, "DataAccessRoleArn": ROLE_ARN, } # Only enable content redaction if it's supported if langCode in cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_REDACTION_LANGS]: contentRedaction = {'RedactionType': 'PII', 'RedactionOutput': 'redacted_and_unredacted'} else: contentRedaction = None # Should have a clear run at doing the job now kwargs = {'TranscriptionJobName': jobName, 'LanguageCode': langCode, 'Media': mediaSettings, 'MediaFormat': mediaFormat, 'OutputBucketName': cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_S3BUCKET_OUTPUT], 'Settings': jobSettings, 'JobExecutionSettings': executionSettings, 'ContentRedaction': contentRedaction } # Start the Transcribe job, removing any 'None' values on the way response = transcribe.start_transcription_job( **{k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if v is not None} ) # Return our job name, as we need to track it return jobName def lambda_handler(event, context): # Load our configuration data cf.loadConfiguration() sfData = copy.deepcopy(event) # Get the object from the event and show its content type bucket = sfData["bucket"] key = sfData["key"] contentType = sfData["contentType"] langCode = sfData["langCode"] try: jobName = submitTranscribeJob(event["bucket"], key, langCode, contentType) sfData["jobName"] = jobName return sfData except Exception as e: print(e) raise Exception( 'Error submitting Transcribe job for file \'{}\' from bucket \'{}\'.'.format( key, bucket)) # Main entrypoint for testing if __name__ == "__main__": event = { "bucket": "pca-raw-audio-1234", "key": "nci/0a.93.a0.3e.00.00 09-17-2019.wav", "contentType": "wav", # "key": "nci/CAaad2c19c9c856e377620efab245e8d70.RE709d062d6466b413be36fdb88ac24ac9.mp3", # "contentType": "mp3", "langCode": "en-US" } lambda_handler(event, "")