import boto3 import pcaconfiguration as cf import pcacommon def lambda_handler(event, context): """ When a file has failed to transcribe then we need to do two things: 1) Remove any temporary clip file left behind 2) Move the original audio to the "failed" bucket """ # Extract params and ready our client cf.loadConfiguration() s3Client = boto3.client("s3") origBucket = event["bucket"] origFileKey = event["key"] # First, delete any CLIP file that was left behind clipFileKey = pcacommon.generateClipFileKey(pcacommon.generateClipFileName(origFileKey)) try: s3Client.delete_objects(Bucket=origBucket, Delete={"Objects": [{"Key": clipFileKey}]}) except Exception as e: # Doesn't matter if it doesn't exist pass # Now try and move the original source audio file to the "failed" folder try: # Copy and delete file copySourcePath = origBucket + "/" + origFileKey copyDestnKey = cf.appConfig[cf.CONF_PREFIX_FAILED_AUDIO] + "/" + origFileKey.split('/')[-1] s3Client.copy_object(Bucket=origBucket, CopySource=copySourcePath, Key=copyDestnKey) s3Client.delete_object(Bucket=origBucket, Key=origFileKey) except Exception as e: pass # Return our input data as the final result return event if __name__ == "__main__": event = { "bucket": "pca-raw-audio-1234", "key": "nci/NESPRESSOAUD-", "contentType": "wav", "langCode": "en-US", "jobName": "NESPRESSOAUD-", "transcribeStatus": "FAILED" } lambda_handler(event, "")